The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Congratulation on such a fine hatch Pink.
Can't wait for pics of all the bitties.

Sending good hatching vibes your way Opa.
I had 2 Bantam welsummers last year go broody and one made a real good mother she even hatched out all hens.
but the other hen wasn't to interested in the chicks.

This year I have had 4 go broody and 2 of them are sitting on call duck eggs and marans.
the one has been broody since Feburary I think it's the hen that was a good mother last year.
Thanks Kelly and Pink! I really hope I get a great hatch!

Since everyone is posting eggs pics, I thought I would do the same. The two with spots are from the hen pictured as well, the other is an egg my daughter had blown out.


I had a Wellie go broody several weeks ago. I was surprised--never had one go broody before. She did a pretty good job, but left the nest after several of the eggs hatched. I wound up taking the remaining eggs to the incubator, where most of them hatched out. As for raising the chicks, she's doing a good job. She and the chicks are in a pen (about 4 ft. X 5 ft.)within the coop and are doing fine.
I love my Welsummer flock. Love those dark speckled eggs, too.

I do need to add--the reason she got off the nest could be that some of the eggs were laid at later dates by another of the Welsummer hens and I did not realize it until just before the hatch date. I had marked the 10 eggs that were under her, but by hatch day, she had a few more in the nest. She had about six eggs hatch over two days, but the others were strung out over several more days. I finally enclosed her nest area (2 ft. X 5 ft.) with chicken wire so the other hens couldn't lay eggs in her nest.
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Not a Welsummer egg but it is an "egg in the hand" picture. Another member wanted to know how big Vorwerk eggs are and I thought this was the best way to show her.


I wonder how many of those would fit in my hand?
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OK, I am new to BYC and I'm in love with Welsummers! I obtained a trio hatched 2/15/11, and would like to post photos of the cockerel, which I will attempt to do. My question is actually a 2-part request: 1) is it too soon to critique this young boy? and 2) Can you tell me what type of photos you look for to be able to best view a bird? (I like photography, and would like to take nice, correct photos but can't seem to find any consistency in any of the books I've read....) Thank you in advance for your help, and I love reading all of your posts - especially love the photos and the spotted eggs!!!





(I hope this works... if it doesn't, I'll try again.... and thanks for your patience!)
We have 2 Welsommer chicks (males) that are 5 days old. It has taken us no time to fall in love with them and the 4 female Dominiques we got on 6/2/11. The Welsommers are not as thrilled with being held as the Dominiques but they tolerate it
They are already stretching and strutting like roosters. They are all so entertaining!


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