The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Happy Chooks, I'm a bit slow but I think the message here is that the marans are AWESOME and YOU WANT THEM!!!!!!!! Maybe at my middle age I am finally getting these mixed messages right!

Pink Chick - absolutely love the dark chipmunk stripes and solid v's on those Wellies. Can't see any white breast down either from this view.

And oh wow! hadn't even thought of using my aquariums sitting in the garage as brooders! Duh!!!

So are you Wellies from the Erhard line?

I think I figured out that my day 18 lockdown is Thursday, July 14th. Put them in June 26th.

Need to find some plumbers tubing and led flashlight and see how the eggs are doing!
Cheers all,

Thanks, Bonnie
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Happy Chooks, I'm a bit slow but I think the message here is that the marans are AWESOME and YOU WANT THEM!!!!!!!! Maybe at my middle age I am finally getting these mixed messages right!

Pink Chick - absolutely love the dark chipmunk stripes and solid v's on those Wellies. Can't see any white breast down either from this view.

And oh wow! hadn't even thought of using my aquariums sitting in the garage as brooders! Duh!!!

So are you Wellies from the Erhard line?

Thanks, Bonnie

Thanks Bonnie!
No they aren't from Erhard's line....I used to have some birds from Erhard and they were beautiful, but they were not as big as I was hoping for and I wasn't happy with a couple of other things about them so I sold them and stuck with my original birds from Barber lines and added a new rooster 2 years ago from a breeder in California with Barber birds.

The old aquarium works great...and cleans up like a breeze.
Pink Chick,

have you posted photos of your current breeder birds from Barber lines and can you direct me to them?


These teenager Wellies all have green eyes, hopeful they will change from April/May hatches. They also have black heads and I'm really wondering about that as well. I can say they all have nice bright yellow legs.........

The current batch of chicks have a lot of white down on the breast, so I'm watching them grow to see how that will turn out.

Gotta go chicken watch now, the teens are changing their feather coloring as we speak!
I would love to send them your way my friend.....but you would be very disappointed when you got an olive egg instead of a Marans egg.

Ha! Think again my friend. One of my olive eggers is broody and I'm setting some more olive eggs to hopefully get a splash pullet before I get rid of my olive egger rooster. (gotta have room for those barnies) I'll be setting some wellies under my broody too. (from Fay)
I think I got this picture thing figured out.

My rooster and a couple of hens. I think you can see the feathers on the shanks I was talking about.
I'm trying to get caught up on all the messages, hopefully I'm done work: hopefully, I'm tired. You can laugh, but I'm too old for all that. I'm trying to stay in shape, but its catching up to me.

Opa, when were you in Ft. Leonard Wood? I was there in Jan & Feb of 1970. Then sent me to Ft. Polk. and afterward to Italy for a year and a half.


Harold, I was at Leonard Wood in 1968. They offered me E7 if I would re-enlist but also stated I would be at Leonard Wood for at least another year. Just before I got out I was the company field first and while that was better than platoon sergeant, it still was tough duty. My day would start 1 1/2 hours before the trainees got up and every other day it would end after bed check. Being a drill sergeant wasn't a good job for someone who wants to spend as much time as possible with their family. If I had been single it might have been better.
Ya, and we thought we had it rough, that must have been tough on you DI's. My son got out a few years back after a yr in Iraq. He had been in 6yrs, and he said, that's no way to have a family, being gone a year, every few years.

When I was at Leonard Wood, I got out of shape, they had a big health care and lost a couple people. Infact one cold morning they ran us out to the range, then we stood there in formation waiting on the range officer who was very late. That night I couldn't keep up, and then spent a week in the hospital. After that they were trucking the troops everywhere. You know the Army.

We had better stop these war stories, this format is for discussing chickens.


My husband and I are new to raising chickens. We have a rooster (named Wellington) who is about 6 wks old. I don't want to sound completely stupid but between his toes, in the webbing, it looks like he has some small feathers. Is that normal? Be kind.....I'm a novice lol.
Here he is with one of our Dominique hens Matilda, running with his cherry tomato!
Ha! He's not going to share that tomato. And no, he shouldn't have feathers between his toes. It's fine to keep him with a mixed flock or if you just want babies for yourself. But you wouldn't want to breed him if you are trying to improve the breed.

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