The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I'm looking forward to the weather improving so that I can get all of my birds back into their breeding quarters. To make winter feeding and watering easier, all of my hens are placed in one coop and covered run and all of the roosters are placed in individual cages. I'm anxious to get them out so that I can take pictures of my youngest rooster. When I posted a picture of him and another cockerel at 12 weeks I was told my one member that they weren't very good examples of Welsummers. I am anxious to post a picture of him 9 months to show him how wrong he was. His sire is the rooster that I have on the Welsummer club site.
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I have about 30 welsummers out of channing grisham line I have a few questions, can you color sex the chicks ? who the heck is channing grisham I have looked around the web to find some info but not much I can find, Any thoughts??

That is a very good question. I have seen numerous posts from folks requesting birds or eggs specifically from Channing Grisham. A few years ago when I went on a search in an attempt to try and put together the History of Welsummers in the USA, I never even heard of him. As far as I was able to tell, he was not involved in getting the Welsummers approved and accepted into the APA.

The only thing I could find was that he apparently lived in Alabama, was the VP of the Polish Breeders Club (starting in 2005 and continued for a few years), and that he may have imported some Sussex from Canada and had them too. I also found some info that leads me to believe he has/had Marans too. I could find no information on him having Welsummers or where he may have got them from. So where he got his start in Welsummers, how long he had them. what his breeding practices were, whether he showed them or not, etc. all seems to still be a big mystery and unknown.

So, without taking anything at all away from what Mr. Grisham may or may not have done with Welsummers, it does once again make me scratch my head in wonderment and ask, "Why are there so many people throwing his name around and saying they got birds from his lines?" And please don't read anything more into that than what I'm trying to say. It's just a question I ask to drive home the point that I really think there is way too much name throwing around without perhaps the real knowledge of the meaning behind that.

I hope that makes sense.

God Bless,
We newbies sometimes get wrapped up into learning in different breeders and his name does pop up when I did get into Welsummers. The first name I remember were Lowell Barber and John Hall and then later, Grisham and Bjorn Netland.

Mr Grisham is very elusive and he may have his own reasons probably going underground. I have NO idea if he is still raising them but his name has been thrown around here and there. Like you, Royce, I would love to know where he got his stock from.
I'm looking forward to the weather improving so that I can get all of my birds back into their breeding quarters. To make winter feeding and watering easier, all of my hens are placed in one coop and covered run and all of the roosters are placed in individual cages. I'm anxious to get them out so that I can take pictures of my youngest rooster. When I posted a picture of him and another cockerel at 12 weeks I was told my one member that they weren't very good examples of Welsummers. I am anxious to post a picture of him 9 months to show him how wrong he was. His sire is the rooster that I have on the Welsummer club site.

Unfortunately all my roos have frostbitten combs and wattles. I still have some left with color bands on, though most have been 'bitten off' by the other roos. BUT I still have several running around with the bright orange bands and those are all from Opa's. A couple of orange bands in the henhouse as well are also Opa's.

I like them. I will work on getting better photos of them for you.

Here are the sorry photos I took yesterday of some of the 15 Welsummer hens and one of the 3 roos in the greenhouse, they escape and run around in the garage everyday when I go in to feed and water and I got some photos.
Hi all,

New to this breed here, and just wanted to post a picture of my new roo. He's a really good boy, pretty of course, but most importantly very sweet. He is supposedly a year old come April? To me he looks more like a May or June hatching.... Anyway. Although I am going to be using him just to cover mixed breed hens, what do you experts think about him?

He originally came from Whitmore Farms in MD, supposed to have pretty good birds.

I was looking at my fluffy butts, and some of the hens have partridge colored feathers on their THIGHS and some have the same pattern as is on their CHESTS. THOSE hens also have more of a brownish fluffy butt feathers and the ones with partridge on the Thighs have more of a grayish/darker fluffy but feathers.

The brownish fluffy butts, I'm guessing may have had more white down on the undersides, but I can't verify that hypothesis, its just a GUESS until I hatch and grow out some more chicks. As you can see on my avatar "Cassidy' she has a white spot under her chin.

So, experts chime in, what does the standard say about the color of their butts and the color/pattern of the thigh feathers. How far should the chest feather colorations go on the hen.

It was interesting to FINALLY see some differences in the 15 birds from 7 different breeders!

Cheers all and yes, of course, they are wellies. I'm getting a gorgeous variety of eggs and will start hatching again as soon as I fix the snap switch on the wafer thermostat of my incubater. Ordered the one with the surge protector since this one won't turn off and when it finally does, won't turn back on and on opening it up keep finding a loose wire. So I've tried soldering it back on and am now giving up and ordering the new and improved one!

So any advice on those darn thermostats is welcomed as well!

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