The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I found this very interesting, the chickens on the left are silver duckwing welsummers, the one on the right is a dorking. I have no knowledge of the history of the duckwing variety, but was the dorking used to create it?
So here is a photo of my newly hatched Welsummer Chicks from Faykoko. There are 5 total but only 3 in pic. Purdy nice chics, I think!

grand chickies
Hello everyone,
I have dropped enough breeds to finially get back to some dark eggs.
I swapped some eggs with gamebirdsonly and got 21 Welsummer eggs in the bator.
They had very nice color. faykokoWV I did not realize you where into welsummers so much.
If these don't hatch I may have to get on your list for some. Are you coming to the swap next Sat?
A pair of welsummers where my very first chickens and even though I moved on from them they stayed in my head the whole time.
The rooster was my buddy as well as the hen they got a great home and are living the life. I think that is what stayed with me was how much they can bond with you.
So here I am hoping to have a nother go with them now that I know what I'm doing.
Hope y'all don't mind me hanging around feeling out the breed again and getting as much info as I can again.
Hello everyone,
I have dropped enough breeds to finially get back to some dark eggs.
I swapped some eggs with gamebirdsonly and got 21 Welsummer eggs in the bator.
They had very nice color. faykokoWV I did not realize you where into welsummers so much.
If these don't hatch I may have to get on your list for some. Are you coming to the swap next Sat?
A pair of welsummers where my very first chickens and even though I moved on from them they stayed in my head the whole time.
The rooster was my buddy as well as the hen they got a great home and are living the life. I think that is what stayed with me was how much they can bond with you.
So here I am hoping to have a nother go with them now that I know what I'm doing.
Hope y'all don't mind me hanging around feeling out the breed again and getting as much info as I can again.

Glad to see you on this thread. I think this is one of the friendliest thread on BYC. Everyone is very helpful and supportive. I started with hatchery Welsummers, but didn't like how they looked, or the egg color. I swapped Buckeye eggs for some of Nate Vanwey's eggs, and ended up with some really nice stock. I learn a lot from thsi thread and from the helpful experts that participate in the thread.

I'm not going to the swap, its just too far from Charleston. DH went two years ago and picked up some of Peachicks chicks for me, but it was a long trip, 6 hours. We're having a monthly sale here in our area and its doing pretty well gaining momentum.
Hello everyone, I'm new to BYC but loving all the info! I just got my first chicks ever 2 weeks ago and have 15 total. 4 RIR, 4 Buff Orpington, 3 Black Australorp, 2 Ameraucanas, and 2 Welsummer! I honestly cannot tell the difference between the Ameraucanas and Welsummers though, but perhaps after looking at more chick pictures I know who's who now; seems like Welsummer have yellow legs and Ameraucanas have slate legs? If so, I know who's who! My 2 Welsummers are very shy...
The ameraucana's will have willow legs if pure bred. They will also have muff and a bread on their face where the welsummers do not and yes they will have yellow legs.
Welcome to byc hope you enjoy the site and the people.

araucanas- black to dark willow on blks and blk breasted red ,gold and silver duckwing willow and white -yellow ( colors on legs)
Ameraucanas- slate to blk
Sorry for the mix up hope this clears it up. It is out of the 2010 asop book.
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Glad to see you on this thread. I think this is one of the friendliest thread on BYC. Everyone is very helpful and supportive. I started with hatchery Welsummers, but didn't like how they looked, or the egg color. I swapped Buckeye eggs for some of Nate Vanwey's eggs, and ended up with some really nice stock. I learn a lot from thsi thread and from the helpful experts that participate in the thread.

I'm not going to the swap, its just too far from Charleston. DH went two years ago and picked up some of Peachicks chicks for me, but it was a long trip, 6 hours. We're having a monthly sale here in our area and its doing pretty well gaining momentum.
My first two where from the swap but I think the hens mom had a one night stand with a non welsummer when she started to lay the eggs where cream with dark spots. That's why I sold them. The first 7 eggs looks like 3/4 will grow but the other the air cells don't look good and think 1 is a blood ring. It's early on them so left them till I can tell for sure. I am really happy with the egg color so I hope some hatch. I just set the other 14 so will be a while on them. Sorry you can't make it but I understand the drive is long. Glad to see y'all got the swaps going good up there. How are the ducks doing? Also thanks for letting me know about the thread the jg thread is the same way. Can't wait to meet everyone.

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