The Winter granny square swap.

I am supposed to be making crocheted fruit/veggies for my niece for Chistmas but I figured I could go back and forth between the squares and that... even if my sister is being impatient about it, lol.

My mother(FeedTheChickens) was over earlier today and I got to show her how to start a granny square and then sent her home with one of my books to help her the rest of the way. She's pretty excited about the swap, her very first one ever and she just started crocheting recently so she's excited to see everyone else's work too.

I went to Joann's tonight to pick up a couple blues for the swap and I swear, they had the rudest people in the store working the registers. Argued with me about coupons, refused to take them AND just plain didn't discount things when i gave them the coupons(saw that after i got home). They didn't have all the yarns I was looking for and after the irritating trip I came home and decided I'd just re-order online and return the few things I got tonight... and it ended up being cheaper online too.
tell me about it....I have a similar problem! well, that and I am finding myself addicted to hand spun or hand dyed yarns lately - this is getting expensive! ;)

....but I love it so much!!!

and let me make sure I have this right, we only do one six-inch square for each participant?
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Ok, I'm in!!
Just wanna throw this out there...I have done many crochet swaps and the host would give the names and addresses to your partners, we would usually do 2 squares and mail them directly to the recipient. That way no one person was responsible for repacking and shipping squares. The host would keep track of who received their squares and keep a log.
I'm pretty excited about this one. I have lots of stash I can use up! Rancher, thanks for hosting!
Ok, I'm in!!
Just wanna throw this out there...I have done many crochet swaps and the host would give the names and addresses to your partners, we would usually do 2 squares and mail them directly to the recipient. That way no one person was responsible for repacking and shipping squares. The host would keep track of who received their squares and keep a log.
I'm pretty excited about this one. I have lots of stash I can use up! Rancher, thanks for hosting!

1. I'd like things to be secure and would rather not be responsible for everyone's address. While I personally will take all the junk mail I can get, (to keep the mailperson working) others do not. You don't know me really and I don't know you really, so the less risk we have the better. It's something we each need to consider when taking part in these things.

2. You can mail one package which is cheaper. Seems to me that part of the reason for hosting these events is to help people stay connected with like people. Being responsible for repacking and shipping is my contribution to the world.

I personally do not want to mail 18 single squares. Each would cost $1 at least and that's $7 more than mailing one priority box.

3. This is how it was when I came in to the swaps so I'm good with it.

4. Is there is a consensus to change things? I say if it isn't broke don't fix it.

Please know I will not be keeping anyone's address.
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Yaa, I am now subscribed to the thread thanks to Kass! I won't be able to start as of yet. I am desperately trying to get these scarves, hats and bears finished for Christmas!!! Come on fingers, you can do it!!!
I agree that there should be a host to repack and ship. I have been involved in SWAPs that were direct shipping to the recipient and unfortunately not everyone keeps up their end of the bargain. Some people got squares and never sent theirs out. It is less expensive in postage to have host. And, I agree... if it is not broke... don't fix it.

Thank you Rancher for taking up the Host Hat!

1. I'd like things to be secure and would rather not be responsible for everyone's address. While I personally will take all the junk mail I can get, (to keep the mailperson working) others do not. You don't know me really and I don't know you really, so the less risk we have the better. It's something we each need to consider when taking part in these things.

2. You can mail one package which is cheaper. Seems to me that part of the reason for hosting these events is to help people stay connected with like people. Being responsible for repacking and shipping is my contribution to the world.

I personally do not want to mail 18 single squares. Each would cost $1 at least and that's $7 more than mailing one priority box.

3. This is how it was when I came in to the swaps so I'm good with it.

4. Is there is a consensus to change things? I say if it isn't broke don't fix it.

Please know I will not be keeping anyone's address.
I agree that there should be a host to repack and ship. I have been involved in SWAPs that were direct shipping to the recipient and unfortunately not everyone keeps up their end of the bargain. Some people got squares and never sent theirs out. It is less expensive in postage to have host. And, I agree... if it is not broke... don't fix it.

Thank you Rancher for taking up the Host Hat!

I second that emotion.
I like doing it they way we are doing it. It works, and the hosts have been great.

By the way, In an early post, Rancher said something about Winter being white snow and yellow snow. White and yellow go nicely together. Maybe a future swap can be white and yellow.

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