The Winter granny square swap.

Do you have a pattern you can share for the scrubbies? I have been making scrubbies but have been buying them and crocheting around so it is a scrubby in a dish clothe. They are nice but I would like to make the scrubby too if I could.

Hope everyone have a wonderful Christmas!
I have a pattern that I can send but you can find the patterns on the Internet also. You might find a pattern quicker than I can get one to you. A yard of the netting makes 3 scrubbies so they're cheap for sure. Let me know if you can't find them.
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I have a pattern that I can send but you can find the patterns on the Internet also. You might find a pattern quicker than I can get one to you. A yard of the netting makes 3 scrubbies so they're cheap for sure. Let me know if you can't find them.

Not sure why I never thought to search online. Geez! I found a few different ones... using netting and using tulle netting. Thank you Betty! Think next round of scrubbies, I will make the scrubby too. That way I can get them to match to color of the yarn I am using.
Not sure why I never thought to search online. Geez! I found a few different ones... using netting and using tulle netting. Thank you Betty! Think next round of scrubbies, I will make the scrubby too. That way I can get them to match to color of the yarn I am using.
One year I crocheted dish cloths and made scrubbies to match and gave them as a gift. They do pretty well. Since my daughter is in her new house I gave her a bucket full of gardening tools, trowel, pruners, gloves, sprinkler head and packs of seeds and a hummingbird feeder for Christmas. I meant to get her a kneeling pad too but no one had any. Wrong time of year I guess.
I have a pattern that I can send but you can find the patterns on the Internet also. You might find a pattern quicker than I can get one to you. A yard of the netting makes 3 scrubbies so they're cheap for sure. Let me know if you can't find them.

What are you paying for netting? How big are these? I get 5 of those green scrubby things at the dollar store for a dollar. They're what I use to scrub my eggs clean. Not scrub but you know what I mean.
Hi everyone. I said some time ago that I would post pix. Well I just took one of 3 of my blocks. I've done 12 so far. The one that looks black is actually a dark sage, one blue and one is in dark grey. I have another green I'm going to use also.
Those are gorgeous!!!
Nice square Kat. 

I'm trying to avoid a cold.  My granddaughter has been blowing her nose and everytime she passes me I spray her in the face with Lysol.   Just kidding.   She's 6 and sucks her thumb.  

I've had to work at not chewing my nails and it has helped cut down the disease.  Good habits can keep us healthy, but it hasn't been easy for me to learn.  It's to bad they didn't make a pocket spray for a mans pocket.  Lord have mercy these guys who don't wash their hands after using the restroom.  

I think it would be good if someone invented a device that goes off each time a restroom door is open that says, "Don't forget to wash your hands"  or it detected non washers,  was loud and said over the loud speaker ,  "Warning, warning, this person didn't wash their hands, warning, warning.......................:lau

Or how about a restroom door that wouldn't let you out if you didn't wash your hands?    :lau

No squares done.  Ugh!   I'll get to them.     

Good Morning everyone, I wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I have been AWOL due to the holidays & dealing with the stomach bug that was going around. We had to postpone Christmas with my inlaws until the weekend after Christmas due to sickness in their families and ours. I am praying for a wonderful day full of happiness and the company of my wonderful family today. I am so excited to watch the grand kids open their gifts!!

I am also looking forward to taking a deep sigh of relief when all is said and done so I can start on these blocks!! :)

May you all have a Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas everyone!

I gave a lot of homemade gifts this year. They were very well received. I made some interesting squares in a deep wine wool and gave them to my cousin as hot mats. I wish I had taken pictures - they were a really nice pattern.

Here's a picture of the "fisherman patchwork" afghan I made for my daughter's bf. I can't wait to give it to him!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I gave a lot of homemade gifts this year. They were very well received. I made some interesting squares in a deep wine wool and gave them to my cousin as hot mats. I wish I had taken pictures - they were a really nice pattern.

Here's a picture of the "fisherman patchwork" afghan I made for my daughter's bf. I can't wait to give it to him!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I gave a lot of homemade gifts this year. They were very well received. I made some interesting squares in a deep wine wool and gave them to my cousin as hot mats. I wish I had taken pictures - they were a really nice pattern.

Here's a picture of the "fisherman patchwork" afghan I made for my daughter's bf. I can't wait to give it to him!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I gave a lot of homemade gifts this year. They were very well received. I made some interesting squares in a deep wine wool and gave them to my cousin as hot mats. I wish I had taken pictures - they were a really nice pattern.

Here's a picture of the "fisherman patchwork" afghan I made for my daughter's bf. I can't wait to give it to him!

That is awesome, I'm sure he will love it!

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