The Winter granny square swap.

My babies are all SICK right now :(
I think it got brought in by two we took back from a friend, the pair was ganging up on everyone else so we were going to swap them out for nice ones... kicking myself now! THANKFULLY all my big birds are still healthy... i think some credit is owed to the fermented feed for that, that all have been looking better since i started that.
I have 2 hens on nests, should be due soon. & just set 3 dozen in the incubator this morning. We have close to 50 chicks right now and a pair of Roman Tufted goslings, my trio of Brown Chinese is on loan to my friend for her petting farm.

My fall squares got assembled into a throw(still have leftovers) and it will be donated as soon as i get some time to call the local churches. Have some leftover squares to donate too. getting too busy outside to do much indoors right now! Have been building some flower boxes and other things. I think we're going to head down south today to get some flowers to fill them!

Dad's GF had a fit over this one but she's not getting it

That is very nice, where did you get the pattern?

Square are going out tomorrow. Feeling better. Been just dragging to let the chickens out and then going back to bed. Just got up and made coffee. DW can't believe I've been sleeping in, I'm usually up when she gets up for work. I've even gotten yelled at for making to much noise in the morning and waking her and DD up before they have to get up.

Most boxes are closed and ready I just have to take them to the PO. Spring is here and crocus are up. I've too many things to do to be sick. I hate getting old.

My cousin the same age as me just passed away. Certainly does not help. On happier news DD is with child again. Thought poor Darcy was going to be an only child.

Take care everyone,

I don't know if I bagged and tagged or not due to this line in the first post: Squares need not be packaged in separate bags nor labeled. Just pack them in tissue paper.

Some were some weren't. It just helps the recipient know who did what. I just packed them back in the boxes they came in and will print out labels to send them back.

I tried to ensure no one got theirs back. I'm not real good at sorting things out. I had everything sorted and then in counting made some changes from one box to the other.

I hope everyone will be satisfied,

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I am sure whatever I get will be just fine with me! I'm excited to see them. We were making some small flower boxes and I decided I wanted to do something bigger, to kind of help display the smaller boxes(sis plans to sell the stuff), and the mini garden rack came to life. no real pattern, just kind of worked with what i had available and thankfully it turned out nice!
I'll be happy with whatever I get, Rancher. Happy to hear you a better. Spring is here in the high desert also. I have daffodils still in bloom but I have roses in bloom also, only a few but the others are in bud. My bearded iris are starting to get buds and my cucumber seeds are up and I have tomatoes and peppers planted. They're in raised beds and if we get a frost I can cover them to protect them. My fruit trees are in bloom also. I have ten eggs in the incubator that are due to hatch the 6th.
Well I went to the PO and mailed some boxes today. Some postages went up and I made up the dif if it was not much. One had to be sent with extra postage due. I didn't want to argue with the clerk and I am sorry for having to do that but it's the end of the month and money is tight.

If you sent a check I have to go to the bank first so the rest will go out Monday. Barring any problems in the day. I have to call the Dr. and my insurance to see what they cover on a shot I need to have. Nothing serious mind you.

After all the expense of a flu shot, only to find out it's not 100% effective. The flu is making a come back in these parts so they say on the news.

SIL and his buddy are working putting on a new garage roof. Not for free so that's an expense, I did expect and saved for but it looks like there is a bit more to do than any of us planned. Such is life. It was really leaking so I'll be glad to have that out of the way.

Take care folks, gotta try to get something done outside while it's nice.

I've been away a few days due to my hard drive failing. It's good to be back and see everyone's still around.

I did not tag and bag my squares, just packed them into the box.
I've been away a few days due to my hard drive failing. It's good to be back and see everyone's still around.

I did not tag and bag my squares, just packed them into the box.

I believe yours were mailed today. While I tried to make sure everyone got one or more of everyone else it was hard without each being tagged. I do apologize.

Bags are rather cheap if you can find a Dollar store. The 6" squares fit nice in the sandwich sized bags.

Still it was fun and I will participate in future swaps.
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