The Winter granny square swap.

I would suggest in the future if you want them in bags to not put in the rules they don't have to be in baggies or labeled. I wondered about that, but didn't feel I should say anything, but since so many are now feeling badly about it, they should understand that it's not their fault and they didn't do anything wrong by not putting them in baggies. It's hard to come up with rules that fit all, but I think for all swaps they should be in baggies. As you said they are cheap at the Dollar Stores and I'm sure everyone knows that. If it had been required they would have been in them.
Meant to say that although I did put the postage sticker in the box let me know if there was a difference and I will send it to you. There shouldn't be for the same amount of squares because I added a little to it just in case. But I hate to think you are going out of pocket to get these out.
I personally don't mind squares not in bags, but thought it was understood from the first swap I participated in. I'm a guy you have to make allowances.

I just thought it would be nice for the recipients to know who made what.

As for postage it is not big deal unless it's short dollars. I made up the difference if it was under. The man at the PO did tell me the rates have changed. I suspect they will on a more regular basis the way this economy is going.

Too, having worked at the PO I've seen some very strange things with these clerks, so if you have an APC, Automated Postal Center handy I would use that.

Please understand I have four kids it' would take a lot more than this to upset me.
I personally don't mind squares not in bags, but thought it was understood from the first swap I participated in. I'm a guy you have to make allowances.

I just thought it would be nice for the recipients to know who made what.

As for postage it is not big deal unless it's short dollars. I made up the difference if it was under. The man at the PO did tell me the rates have changed. I suspect they will on a more regular basis the way this economy is going.

Too, having worked at the PO I've seen some very strange things with these clerks, so if you have an APC, Automated Postal Center handy I would use that.

Please understand I have four kids it' would take a lot more than this to upset me.
According to Men in Black II, everyone who works at the post office is an alien.
Hi, got my squares and they are all beautiful. My box arrived postage due and I was shocked that the postage would have gone up over 50% until I realized I had mailed them in a plain box with the same postage as I sent it with and they were returned in a Priority box which explained the difference. Thanks for the trade, the squares will add nicely to our collection!
Hi, got my squares and they are all beautiful. My box arrived postage due and I was shocked that the postage would have gone up over 50% until I realized I had mailed them in a plain box with the same postage as I sent it with and they were returned in a Priority box which explained the difference. Thanks for the trade, the squares will add nicely to our collection!

How can that be? I mailed everyone the box their squares came in. I left all the labels on and just reused the boxes. I do know I have another box here that has $6.95 in postage priority which I swear is not enough, but we shall see. I taped everyone's envelope with the postage to each box so things did not get mixed up too. I was very careful in that regard.

Had to go to orientation today so didn't get to the PO. I have to go tomorrow for a blood test and don't know how long that will take. Nothing serious but you know how that goes when it's medical. One time I had to wait over an hour to see the doctor. I was NOT happy.
It's ok, it just took a minute to figure out why it went from $6.45 to get there, but $10.25 to get home. I seldom use Priority boxes because with something like this it's cheaper to use a plain box. You taped the home-made mailing label I wrote on white paper to the outside to send it back. I'm not upset, but I'm sure glad postage didn't increase that much lol! The paid postage label that was in the box wasn't for a Priority box, the postal lady even pointed that out to me.

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