Their first night outside on their own

Let us know how it's going at 2:00 am when you can't stand the worrying anymore!:fl:barnie:he:bow:rant

I kind of have an amazing husband who bought a security camera to stick in the coop so I can keep an eye on them from my phone :pop

I'll be doing this on Saturday :(

May I ask how old your little ones are?

The black ones are about 3 weeks and the buff ones are around 5 weeks now!
Lol cute little new ones and I feel your pain, o am dreading when I put my little ones out, good thing they are still very small and its crapy out haha
I hated the day I moved the youngsters to the coop!
I felt separation anxiety all night!:hit

Separation anxiety is the perfect description, Featherhead007. Mine are old enough to go outside, but I have been using "cold weather" as an excuse not to. (Uh, I live in southern California, and it was 65 degrees today, and I know this is not really "cold.")

I know they are bored & will LOVE the day when they finally get to free-range outside with the flock. It's chicken paradise out there! But in my selfish little heart, I wish they could be house chickens forever!

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