Thick shelled and dark colored eggs????

And here we go again,,, I was not going to set more until fall, but when I delivered 2 pullets to a neighbor, he said "would you hatch some eggs on halves for me? I tried a batch and it went horribly wrong" So I said I would and he pulled 10 eggs from the nests, and another 12 from inside. Mostly blue eggs, some pink, and a few brown with spots, I added some (14) eggs from my girls that have been prolific as a control. 36 in all (6 center slots empty)
First 2 days with no water at all, ran 25-30% humidity, when it dropped to 21% I put the glass of water in and up to 40% humidity.
I am using filtered water this go round (reverse osmosis)
@ day 18 I will fill both trays and remove the glass of water, looking for 80% humidity

I am going to figure out how to use this thing! 26 out of 42 last batch, not horrible but could be better!

Leg tags, what would be good to use for IDing/marking the birds as they hatch? And where would I find them?
I use zip ties for chicks and check them frequently changing them just before they start to get snug.
I found lots of colors in a single pack at Harbor Freight. When they grow up they get numbered legbands.

I used net produce bags and quart fruit baskets upside down to segregate them in the hatcher last time and the little houdini birds escaped from both systems. .
Luckily I was around most of the time so I could identify who was who for the most part.

I put the roosters back with the hens after dark last night so hopefully I'll get some fertiles in the next few days.
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colored zip ties, I like that and they wont need to be on long, just until we split up the hatch. blue tie blue egg, red tie pink egg etc. I so hope his eggs are fertile, blue and ping eggs would look so good with my green, olive, red and brown eggs!
I think I can hear happy roo's from here,,,,

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