Things only country kids would say:

Just tonight I heard a faint voice calling me from outside the kitchen window in the dark......."Mommy.......Mommy........Mommy, look at me!" I open the window to try and see better into the dark..."Marisa are you in the goat house?"......"giggle" .."Marisa Ann get out of the goat house and come in for dinner"..........."But Mommy, Steve is cuddlin me!"
Hunting with my then 5yo son. Friend shot a deer, son looked straight at us and said, "Let's eat him."

Had a rooster that would attack our son anytime he went in the yard. Spurred him one day and as I chased him around the yard I could hear my son yelling, "Get him Mom we're going to eat him for dinner!"

"But Mom Poppa said that if I had to go, to pee on the rock." That is back home at the farm, not in town in front of other grandparents neighbors.

"Hey Mom we peed on a tractor tire."

"Aren't we suppose to hunt deer with guns and not the truck." (hit a deer during his hunters safety course one night.)

"my rabbit just had babies in my room."

"That stock tank will make a great pool"
I (a city kid) was 4 or 5 years old when Grandma took me to visit my uncle's farm. My uncle asked me to go in and pick out six chickens from the hen house. I found the prettiest ones and I handed him out six, one by one. Then I watched stunned as he chopped their heads off and let them flap around the yard. With lip quivering I told him, "If you woulda just told me what you was gonna do I da picked the ugly ones". I truly believe, he was expecting a much different reaction.
Oh, forgot about the time I picked up kids from school and oldest daughter asks "Do you have any water? I'm as thirsty as a dried up worm.".

I almost died!
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That is too funny!

When my son was 2 and just became potty trained, like all little boys, he learned to use inanimate objects for target practice outside with this "equipment" until one day he asked, "Mom, can I pee on the goat?'
No, leave the goat alone!
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My then 5 year old, after having had to assist me in a sheep with a breach birth, talking about his pet goats upcoming birthing. I hope Daisy doesn't have any problems with her baby, I don't think she'll like it if you put your hand up in her hiney!
Last summer I got a dehydrator, which kind of looks like our incubator. My 2 year old took one look at it and said "baby chickies?" She knew what it was for
One morning few years back I was in my bathroom getting ready for work. My son hollered "Mom, there's a pig in the yard." No, we don't own pigs.

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