Things only country kids would say:

I remember as a kid always hollering "MOM! The horses are in the garden again!" And no, we didn't have horses

Dad always threatened to shoot them because they kept getting loose. But I would always take carrots and sugar cubes out and feed them
Sometimes, I would even ride one home so the rest would follow. Sweet horses, they were.

And by the way, my dad never shot them, either
Some of these are absolutely hilarious!!!!! My kids are older but my 17 year old was fussing the other day about how annoying our house is because Robert, the quail, was under his feet, the parrot and parakeet were being really loud and he wanted his bathroom back (the mandarin ducks had been in there for a week).
4 yr old in pre k had to write answers on a paper that the teacher provided. My favorite color is...I like to ... all the kids gave cute answers. My son answers this question with "I can.....Run faster than my Goat!
When my DS was about 5 (years before we even had chickens, ducks or guineas) out of nowhere says "I know which came first. The chicken came first because you can't get an egg without a chicken."
Couple of years ago, I was sitting at the receptions desk at work and one of my co-workers walked in from the back of the building, stopped, looked at me and asked was there any particular reason that a cow was looking in the window? I didn't look up cause this dude was known to be a practical joker and said maybe she was waiting for him to go milk her. He replied he was gonna go get his gun and shoot it. I looked up at him and he was really looking at the window. I turned and looked and here was a cow looking in the window at me. I went to the door, answering the cordless on the way. My mom was on the phone and I told her "Mom, I can't talk now..there's a cow at the window." Her answer: Don't let it follow you home! You cannot keep it!!!
I picked up my son from school yesterday and he said "Mom, hurry dad got his tractor today and I wanna drive it!"

What do you want for Christmas?
A scope for my rifle or a shotgun.

Hubby walks into the bathroom and yells "Why are the incubators plugged in?!"

"Dad, I think the black white face cow is close she is making a bag"

"But, I don't wanna go to town!"

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