Things only country kids would say:

I swear that this is true....

Two days ago, DH's sis called to tell us that Step-Gram had suffered a small heart attack. DS (age 8) looks at DH ans asks 'If she doesnt get better, will they have to put her down?'


I know some may not be able to laugh at that, but Dear Lord.... we did.

BTW, Step-Gram is doing fine and we love her!!!
You would probably be stunned at the number of city adults who believe the same thing your teacher did. For most of the people I know my tiny backyard flock is the only face to face meeting they have ever had with a chicken. Some of my teenagers friends won't step off the back porch for fear of attack. In fact the friends of one of my sons refers to them as the "raptors", as in Jurassic Park.

What kills me about this is I that most of my girls are very timid. If you walk through them they part like the red sea. Only Hazel and the General are bold enough to investigate people and are only going to peck at something shiny or grab for a loose thread. I have learned never to wear metalic toenail polish they go for it every time.
The laughable one from my husband when he was a kid after his mom had surgery: Are you going to be all funny like the cat?

My daughter after being told to put her mud boots back on: But the dirt feels good. We'll wash it off later!

Only problem with daughter having her boots off was that it was really too cold for her to be barefoot yet.
My 2 daughters both took their chickens in the Christmas parade year before last (of course while riding on daddies bass boat). She gets uber excited about going to chicken swaps and auctions and loved going to the Sunshine Classic show in January.

Emily and her rooster Charlie
This one just happened today as my 5 yr old daughter and the neighbor's 8 yr old granddaughter were playing.

"Grandma! Go look at the goat! Something's coming out of her butt!"

Neighbor goes out and looks, rushes inside to call me. DH answers "Baby coming!!!!"

I rush out to barn with camera.

Neighbor runs back to doe with kidding it.

Two girls are there watching the whole thing. "Grandma, there's another goat in the stall."

"Is it moving?"

"Oh, yeah, it's already up and nursing. The doe's already cleaned her off and the p'centa is coming out."

8 years old and already on her way to being a goat expert

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