Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Well, it wasn't said....but here's the start of my grocery list....and it never would've looked like this until I had chickens...

Someone from church: "How are your chickens?!"
Me: "Great! I just got four more, and my Dad and I are building another coop for the 7 since the one now will get a bit hot in the summer-"
Same person: "You got four more chickens???!!!"
Me: "Yea! Like two months ago!"
Person: "Oohhh...."

"Be right back, I'm gonna go collect eggs." *hour later* "Sorry! The hens were just begging to come out."
I chased a chicken for 2 hours only to say screw it and it took my husband the CHICKEN WHISPERER 5 mins to get said chicken in the new coop....

"Stop that clucking conspiracy.....I know yall are out to get me!!!" My RIR girls are a terrible twosome...trying to peck and attack me all the freaking time...I got them as grown hens...

Holy Crap! I forgot to check the eggs.!!! How dark is it? Do ya hear the coyotes yet???

One morning we had to leave to go out of town for the day so at 3:30AM I was out braving a dark shed with my lights of the truck shining in because I could not find my flashlight to get feed for the chickens and as I am getting the feeder filled something smacked me on the behind....the screams were heard all the way into the house waking up everyone else....all for the wire of the hay bale smacking me on the behind...YES I dont do mornings....ESPECIALLY PREDAWN Darkness!!!

I never thought that the owning of chickens would incite such laughter....this mornings ANTICS involve the silkie hen who is broody and the RIR boss lady who was sitting on top of the silkie in the nest box they all 3 wish I had my phone with me!!!
Me yelling to my hubby: "HAZEL JUST ATE MY DIAMOND EARRING!!!"
Me telling my husband about digging worms and grubs for the chickens: "A grub bit me today. So I gave him to Zillah and she gobbled him up !"
"Get the rooster off my head!"
Me to my husband yesterday: "don't go into the coop with gum in your mouth. Zillah just tried to eat it straight out of my mouth!. (After which I brushed my teeth and used sanitizing mouth wash.

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