Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Cooking dinner one night I needed to run to another room so I asked my teenage daughter to keep an eye on the chicken for me. With an extremely confused look on her face I came back n a few minutes later to her putting her shoes on and going outside. I asked my other daughter where her sister was going, we were both confused. A minute later said daughter is back inside saying "the chickens are fine". I burst out laughing and replied " the chicken on the STOVE!" Needless to say when cooking it is now referred to as dead chicken.
Phone call from my husband last night about 10:30 while I'm at work..... (Pigpen in the background crowing non-stop) "I think your bird is broken"
Me: "Did you give him his cashews?"
Hubby: "Seriously?"
Me: "Yes"
Hubby: "No hold on"
Wings flapping, a lot of clucking
Hubby: "Jees he's heavy"
Hubby: "Inside voice please?"
Pigpen: "Bruck" crunch crunch crunch
Hubby: "OK now shut up"
Hubby: "Good Lord"

lol. I've never given my chickens cashews, maybe I should try.
Hello Crookneck, Jackson, Johnson, Faragdal, Grace, Louise, Jess (My avatar), Purple Comb, Green Head, Good, Marmellow, and Goldie! (All my chickens)

You silly birds!
"Come and get your bird off my carburetor so I can put the hood back on."
Said my husband after putting a new engine in his truck...
With Pigpen's help of course.

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