Things you wish you could say

Been there, although it was definitely light-hearted. When I worked retail I was one of the thinnest people that worked there and my co workers always acted like it was some crazy thing. Um, no, I purposefully eat healthy and try not to overeat, plus a good metabolism. Even after 4 babies, I'm a little over 10 lbs heavier than what I was when I was a teenager, which I don't think is too bad. I don't get those comments anymore, though. If anyone comments on my appearance these days, it's more along the lines of, "You don't look like you've had four kids!"
Yeah, I know most are joking, it's still hurtful and annoying though when a stranger just says it out of the blue
But I am great and awesome! Just ask my mommy!

Heard a story about a young person losing their job for cause. Their mother called the boss and explained to them how this hurt her feeling of self worth and that she should be rehired with diminished responsibilities for the same pay. The expectations were just too high. No, they didn't get rehired but the nerve of the mother. What universe is she living in?

Suck it up, cupcake.
Ever seen the show Everybody Loves Raymond? Marie, Ray's mom would do that sort of thing. In fact, she did. To the older brother Robert. Funny show
I got the same thing for many years. Yes, I know I am thin. Yes, I eat, in fact, I love to eat. I just know when to put down the spoon, I don't eat junk, and I am very active. Deal with it.
I know exactly what you mean, though my story is different.

I started gaining weight when I was 14. I discovered food, especially sweets. By the time I graduated from high school, I was about 60 lbs overweight.

I discovered I liked the company of my boyfriend better than a pound of M&Ms (which, yes, I COULD eat in one sitting!), and I slowly lost the weight. I have kept it off since then, though there are a few pounds that creep on/get dieted off on a somewhat recurring basis.

People who didn't know me when I was overweight said, "Oh, you don't have to watch what you eat! You're so thin, it doesn't matter!" Ah, yes, it does, very much. And yes, I lost the weight by putting down the fork, eating less $hit food, and getting more exercise. There is no magic. There is just doing the work involved to lose weight and keep it off.

Deal with it.
I know exactly what you mean, though my story is different.

I started gaining weight when I was 14. I discovered food, especially sweets. By the time I graduated from high school, I was about 60 lbs overweight.

I discovered I liked the company of my boyfriend better than a pound of M&Ms (which, yes, I COULD eat in one sitting!), and I slowly lost the weight. I have kept it off since then, though there are a few pounds that creep on/get dieted off on a somewhat recurring basis.

People who didn't know me when I was overweight said, "Oh, you don't have to watch what you eat! You're so thin, it doesn't matter!" Ah, yes, it does, very much. And yes, I lost the weight by putting down the fork, eating less $hit food, and getting more exercise. There is no magic. There is just doing the work involved to lose weight and keep it off.

Deal with it.
My body has learned to be in starvation mode. when I was a kid I never knew when my next meal would be, but we always had candy! Even after years of eating much better, it hasnt really changed much. The less I eat the more I gain; the healthier I eat, the hungrier I am. And to “help” things, I have digestive issues (IBS, etc) so lots of the healthier foods really bother me.
I did manage to lose quite a bit in high school, somehow, to the point that teachers started to worry about me. I cant really pin it down to anything other than knowing I was getting food everyday, three times a day. It was not healthy food either. I lived with my grandparents and she cooked with crisco, etc. Lettuce was in a sandwich not in a bowl 🤣🤣
Boohoo, I have a mean rooster who keeps flogging my children but I don't have time to get him off the roost to cull him. Yet, here I am, on the internet, wasting time and whining about life, when I could be doing the deed. Boohoo, whoa is me. And then I'm going to get offended when someone suggests just throwing the body away instead of butchering.

Not every rooster has to be eaten. Especially if you've never butchered and don't want to take him to someone to do it.

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