Things you wish you could say

I don't know what I would say if I could respond candidly, but I don't like when people see me with my small children and tell me to "enjoy them while theyre young because they grow quick". I enjoy my kids immensely, but obviously don't enjoy every minute and that's ok (poopy diapers, tantrums, vomiting, etc!) Not all parts of life are enjoyable. And yes, I'm aware they grow quickly. I'm their mother. Who do you think switches out their clothing sizes once they've outgrown them?
Also when people ask if I have a tv because I have 4 kids under 6, I wish I could say, "If you think watching TV is more fun than making babies, you're doing it wrong".
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Just because I tolerate children doesn't mean I want any of my own currently. Sick of people asking when I'm going to start dating to settle down and have a family
I’m the same way. I choose not to ever have kids nor marriage. I normally respond to these questions with, “Never, I love my freedom of being able to do anything at any time and not having to check with a guy to see if he would want to do the same thing. I also love coming home to no body in the house talking. It is so nice to just come home to all the animals that don’t seem to ever have a bad day.” People seem to respond in two ways so far; either they say “Oh” and never ask again or they say nothing but you can tell they are thinking how nice this decision truly is.
Just because I tolerate children doesn't mean I want any of my own currently. Sick of people asking when I'm going to start dating to settle down and have a family
I don't get this at my age any more. Thank goodness! I decided NOT to have kids, I knew I didn't want any. I told my BF before we were married that I didn't want to have any kids, and took steps to make sure it didn't happen. He may have a few regrets, but I don't.
they say nothing but you can tell they are thinking how nice this decision truly is.

@CluckerFamily, my reply to your statement above would be to say that out loud. Good for you.

I love my hubby. Maybe because he values peace and quiet as much as I do.

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