Things you wish you could say

This is mean of me but it is 83°F here right now. There is a nice breeze to go with it. Humidity is a paltry 34%.

Perfect weather!
*starts sweating profusely*

My favorite temperature is 64, specifically in the fall with crisp air and colourful leaves
I love cold weather. After years of meltdowns (I and my family can’t stand heat) tears, plus terrible allergies, we finally got air conditioning, which has been a huge, huge blessing. Currently sitting in a 72 degree house. 93 outside.
I think it's been getting increasingly hot and dry where I live, and it's sucked. We recently set up an evaporative cooler here and it seems to cool better than AC even, but it brings in outside air which can worsen allergies. Though it takes longer for bad smells to dissipate when the AC is on, and that sometimes really bothered me, and I take 24-hour antihistamines for my allergies. Unfortunately the air is worse here in the winter, because that's when air pollution gets trapped in the area. I probably like it the most here during the spring, at least when it's somewhat warm but not too hot.
I hate when people say when you tell them you want kids: kids are too expensive, wish I never had kids, bringing babies into the world is selfish, the world is a messed up place so why bring a kid into it.

Just stop you heartless people. There is plenty of people in the world, like me, who want kids but can't have them. You spewing out your opinion doesn't help and can be cruel, rude, and hurtful. Usually I'll keep my mouth shut because I respect your opinion but you should do the same and respect mine.
I hate when people say when you tell them you want kids: kids are too expensive, wish I never had kids, bringing babies into the world is selfish, the world is a messed up place so why bring a kid into it.

Just stop you heartless people. There is plenty of people in the world, like me, who want kids but can't have them. You spewing out your opinion doesn't help and can be cruel, rude, and hurtful. Usually I'll keep my mouth shut because I respect your opinion but you should do the same and respect mine.
Sorry to hear that.

When confronted with that type of bitterness, I tend to say something like, "yes, kids need lots of love and it sounds like you are deprived. Or is that depraved? You might be both. Have a nice day!"

On the school permission forms, under the section that asked for comments or special considerations, I'd write, "needs lots of hugs." The girls told me they'd get smiles when the teacher read the comments. It's the little things that bring sunshine into the world.
I hate when people say when you tell them you want kids: kids are too expensive, wish I never had kids, bringing babies into the world is selfish, the world is a messed up place so why bring a kid into it.

Just stop you heartless people. There is plenty of people in the world, like me, who want kids but can't have them. You spewing out your opinion doesn't help and can be cruel, rude, and hurtful. Usually I'll keep my mouth shut because I respect your opinion but you should do the same and respect mine.
If anyone waited to have kids until they can afford them, nobody I know would have kids! The world will never be a perfect place, you just do your best to raise your kids right in it. If anyone I knew that had kids said they wished they didn't, I would cease talking to them. All that being said, I truly hope you and your hubby get what you want and can have as many kids as you wish! Good things come to those that wait, kids included. Patience and try to destress(easier said than done, I know) Good luck
If anyone waited to have kids until they can afford them, nobody I know would have kids! The world will never be a perfect place, you just do your best to raise your kids right in it. If anyone I knew that had kids said they wished they didn't, I would cease talking to them. All that being said, I truly hope you and your hubby get what you want and can have as many kids as you wish! Good things come to those that wait, kids included. Patience and try to destress(easier said than done, I know) Good luck
I had terrible, terrible post-partum depression after I had my son. There were days when I honestly wished I had never had children.

Everything is much better now (has been for many years) but it was a sobering experience. These days I try very hard not to judge people even when they say sh!tty or hurtful things, because I literally do not know what private hell they are going through.
I had terrible, terrible post-partum depression after I had my son. There were days when I honestly wished I had never had children.

Everything is much better now (has been for many years) but it was a sobering experience. These days I try very hard not to judge people even when they say sh!tty or hurtful things, because I literally do not know what private hell they are going through.
I was assuming the kind of people that were mentioned had older kids, not newborns. And if you read my quote, I said I would cease to talk to anyone I know that said that. Considering I would know them, they would not be strangers. However, even if a stranger were to say that, it would not be someone I would want to get to know. I'm glad everything is better for you. But the child should never be blamed for the fault of the mother
I had terrible, terrible post-partum depression after I had my son. There were days when I honestly wished I had never had children.

Everything is much better now (has been for many years) but it was a sobering experience. These days I try very hard not to judge people even when they say sh!tty or hurtful things, because I literally do not know what private hell they are going through.
I always get the opposite. "How can you not want kids? Babies are adorable!" etc.

I've known since my teens that I never wanted children.
I always get the opposite. "How can you not want kids? Babies are adorable!" etc.
Yeah, they're adorable all right. So are puppies, and baby chicks.
And all of them are a lot of work. Sometimes the work is worth it, but it is still a lot of work.

For every baby I've ever met, I liked them better as they grew older. The toddlers are better than the babies, the schoolkids are better yet, the young adults are even better... (I like dogs and chickens better after they grow up, too.)

But that's my personal preference, not a guideline for what anyone else should choose to do in their life.

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