Things you wish you could say

When I read this part of the story I said to myself: Oh no. Older people with no official authority better not call younger people to get over here. why? Because there is a decent chance they would not get over us. They know what is expecting them. They will be bombarded by blames that they possibly deserve to be blamed for.

It is like when your dog has done something drastically bad and is avoiding you and is watching you from distance you call him to your side only to punish him. If you expect your dog to be that dumb or submissive to come to you to be punished then either you are too aggressive or your dog is too dumb or submissive .

I wouldn't expect two teenagers that are being naughty and are doing some dangerous stuff suddenly turn polite and listen to me. Even if there is 25 percent chance of them ignoring me I wouldn't do it because it hurts my ego if they ignore me.

Being said I think your interaction has not gone un noticed even if they ignored you. You showed them their behavior is not freely and easily tolerated in the neighborhood.
I use to be a Nanny and it was the lack of disciplinary actions of the parents that made me quit years ago. Like what I shared above, those kids are not aware of cause and effect in their actions. Besides them getting hurt or perhaps killed which could have happened, this incident took place with 4 businesses present and lots of people around. If something happened to those boys, all 4 businesses would have been sued, maybe even the city and most likely me, who was witness to these boys behavior.

All I know is I am getting grouchier the older I get and less tolerant of nonsense.
I use to be a Nanny and it was the lack of disciplinary actions of the parents that made me quit years ago. Like what I shared above, those kids are not aware of cause and effect in their actions. Besides them getting hurt or perhaps killed which could have happened, this incident took place with 4 businesses present and lots of people around. If something happened to those boys, all 4 businesses would have been sued, maybe even the city and most likely me, who was witness to these boys behavior.

All I know is I am getting grouchier the older I get and less tolerant of nonsense.
Last sentence is so true for me as well
I use to be a Nanny and it was the lack of disciplinary actions of the parents that made me quit years ago. Like what I shared above, those kids are not aware of cause and effect in their actions. Besides them getting hurt or perhaps killed which could have happened, this incident took place with 4 businesses present and lots of people around. If something happened to those boys, all 4 businesses would have been sued, maybe even the city and most likely me, who was witness to these boys behavior.

All I know is I am getting grouchier the older I get and less tolerant of nonsense.
Welcome to wisdom.
once when I was a teenager I went to the wisest man I knew at the time and asked him about the chance of me studying philosophy since I felt there is something to it.

He said if you really learn philosophy and get to the wisdom you want to get, then living with other people who have not been as armed as you to face the reality and truth would be hard if not torturous. You witness people make mistake and if you say something you might be called intrusive and if you say nothing then you feel sad and sorry and even ashamed.

I am not a philosopher but now that I know more than my youth I can see the life of a wise person might be full of moments of " I wish I could show them how they are wrong but I am just sick and tired of being called old school or grouchy or whatever "
I wish I had the power to tell to all the big advertisement companies that I am sick and tired of watching ads that show a couple and in this ad nowadays 99 percent of the couples are interracial marriage mostly white girl black guy or Asian with Caucasian.
I live in Canada and here the level of bending to the fashion of the time is getting ridiculous. I love to see an ad that couple are from the same race for a change.
I wish I had the power to tell to all the big advertisement companies that I am sick and tired of watching ads that show a couple and in this ad nowadays 99 percent of the couples are interracial marriage mostly white girl black guy or Asian with Caucasian.
I live in Canada and here the level of bending to the fashion of the time is getting ridiculous. I love to see an ad that couple are from the same race for a change.
Oh, this is gonna go over well here.
I promise not to comment

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