Things you wish you could say

That isn't it. I can get dark skies in a field in Nebraska too, and dirt cheap. But looking out at the horizon and seeing nothing doesn't work for me. I need to live near mountains.
I used to live where I had a nice view of, I think, Mount Baldy. I need mountains too. Franklin Mountain hardly cuts it if you're not close enough. But it's there so at least I feel a little more at home (and where I am right now I have a nice view of it). Light pollution on the other hand? :rant
That isn't it. I can get dark skies in a field in Nebraska too, and dirt cheap. But looking out at the horizon and seeing nothing doesn't work for me. I need to live near mountains.

I didn't skip leg day.

Flagstaff AZ is at an elevation of 7000 feet. it is nestled in the foothills of Mt. Humphrey's which is an extinct stratovolcano with a current peak height of ~12000 feet. The top 4000 or so feet were blown off in a cataclysmic lateral eruption that ripped the entire northeastern face of the mountain open (like St Helens) some 200k years ago. All of this sits on top of the Colorado Plateau, which is a massive section of the Western US that has been forced upward by plate tectonics and created the rockies. The basement of the plateau is at about 5500 feet, and then mountains grew on top of that.

Imagine the ground your house is on was on level ground at 5500 feet above your head, and then all the hills, meadows, mountains, forests, etc were all starting at that same level and increasing/decreasing from there.

That's the western US.

Now, fast forward through millions of years of wind, rain, water, freeze/thaw, occasional other landslides, etc... All that land gets worn down and becomes generally lower back toward sea level.

That's the Eastern US. It's older geologically and has had much more time exposed to the elements, so it's lower, flatter, and smoother, so to speak.
Well, that is why! Our mountains do not tend to get all worked up and blow their tops off! Ours are safer mountains. You want to be blown up by angry mountains, I suggest Hawaii. But then you are right back to being cooked to death... In multiple ways. 🤣

I cannot even add to this because I think that argument is perfect. 👍🏻🤣
If you hate snow all year round, don't go up high. If you hate heat all year round, don't go down low. Varies from location but Southern California seems to have good weather. Here in El Paso it's getting hot, and we're having wind again. Not tornado level but definitely not fun.
He woulnd't know, he's Florida Man

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