Things you wish you could say

You are the product of generations of genetic experiments. if you look back at, say, 12 generations of your ancestors, that's 4,096 people who are all a part of who you are today. Their dreams, their hopes for the future, the very fiber of their existence as human beings, have all come to rest squarely on your shoulders, here and now.

And this is how you choose to use their gifts? How you thank them?

Do better.
You are the product of generations of genetic experiments. if you look back at, say, 12 generations of your ancestors, that's 4,096 people who are all a part of who you are today. Their dreams, their hopes for the future, the very fiber of their existence as human beings, have all come to rest squarely on your shoulders, here and now.

And this is how you choose to use their gifts? How you thank them?

Do better.
I feel like such a life slacker after reading that. 🙁
I wish I could say my phone wasn’t almost dead
dead GIF

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