Think Twice Before "Renuzit"

The Angry Hen

Crossing the Road
6 Years
Dec 17, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
Earlier today, I was at my Grandmother's house doing some projects. She told me to move a tote full of clothing that was in the spare bedroom- so I did. A sweater sitting on top of the tote felt really hot. Was it in the drier? Was it against a radiator? Nope! Behind the tote was an overheated, corroded Renuzit air-freshener plugged into an outlet.
Apparently, the previous owner of my Grandmother's house used one of these in every bedroom! The others were taken with her... this one hiding behind a dresser. I've never liked the idea of plug-in air fresheners that you toss away once empty... but this one sat here for 13 years! It looked just like an outlet cover, when against the wall!

This does not sit comfortably with me, considering my late Grandfather was a fireman in his life. People should reconsider something so dangerous!


Looks fine and dandy, right?








This isn't even the wall that was heated and surrounding the outlet- (in which is now stained and smelling of singe.)
Use Yankee candles in a glass or a diffuser.

That is certainly a much safer alternative. Perfume, candles, open windows, etc... there's much better to use than electricity when freshening a room! Candles have dangers as well- but are much more controllable. Wall attachments are more often left unattended.
That is certainly a much safer alternative. Perfume, candles, open windows, etc... there's much better to use than electricity when freshening a room! Candles have dangers as well- but are much more controllable. Wall attachments are more often left unattended.
I never leave the candles burning when Im not home and blow them out before bed or if I leave. I dont like those plug in kind because they leak all over my floor or dont last as long as you think they will. After reading this thread I doubt I'll ever use those things again.
Thanks for the public service announcement. Personally, anything scented (candles, perfume, air fresheners, etc.) gives me a headache so we don't keep anything like that in the house.

But my mother loves anything stinky...I'll be sure to pass on the issue to her.
I never leave the candles burning when Im not home and blow them out before bed or if I leave. I dont like those plug in kind because they leak all over my floor or dont last as long as you think they will. After reading this thread I doubt I'll ever use those things again.

If I leave a burning candle in my home it's always in th4e metal kitchen sink where if tipped over has nothing to catch on fire, usually if left unattended it is when I'm outside in the yard or on the porch so if something did catch likely I'd get to it anyhow.

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