~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

Still no pips i don't think anything will hatch
Okay, here's my hatch so far...

Coturnix Quails

I had to put them in a little shoebox to get their picture because they are like popcorn. Jumping all around and they scurry away from you so fast lol. It would be so easy to lose them. There's 14 of them.

And here are 4 of my poults. I've had another poult who just hatched, that's not in the pictures. And I have three turkey eggs left in the incubator with two of them having external pips. Just waiting on them. I have two black spanish poults( from ebay), two marked sweetgrass? and a mix who isn't shown yet (Arielle's eggs). I'll get more pics once they're finished up hatching.

Learning to walk :)

Thanks again Arielle for these sweet babies!! This was so much fun. I still have pheasant eggs due around the 9th and mystery duck eggs. No clue if they're mallard derived or muscovy ducks. I got them at an auction and they were only marked "duck eggs". We'll see what happens with them!
Nice job hatching them!!!!
One of my dogs started barking at 2am... went outside with the gun and a flashlight.. nothing in sight.. birds were all sleeping peacefully.. the only thing different was teh sound of a train in the distance

so now this dog thinks trains are a threat... it's gonna be a loooong summer..

Alway trust your dog.
I'll try to make this short
"Once a long time ago my kids were young, and it was quiet rural here. I raised white german shepherds, they were kennel on the south side of my house. They were all raising Holy H---. Very much out of character if there isn't some there. It was dark still just barely Dawn. I look could find any thing. Came back in the house. The Dog started raising H--- all over again. So I went back out still couldn't find anything. The pasture was about 2 foot next door. My male dog quit barking but had a low muffled growl I could hear. So I just stood there quietly . I saw a guy pop his head up out of the grass. I shouted out to him to stand up or I was going to let the dogs out (dogs barking at him now) He wouldn't stand up. I hollered at him once more to stand up and explain to me why his was in the weeds behind my house. Again he wouldn't stand up and show himself. So I told him I was going in the house and getting my shotgun. He still would stand up. LOL I came toward the house and I saw a Neighbor lady (using Lady lightly) come running down the driveway with extra clothes in hand . i thought she was going to have a heart attack . Very heavy set lady Please Saying please don't shoot, Please don't shoot. He had a Cell phone Lucky guy!!!!!!
It was her boy-friend hiding in the the bushes. Her husband had made a unscheduled stop at home to get a cup of coffee. the poor guy was without clothes. And He told her
that the Crazy B---H next door was getting her shotgun and going turn her crazy dogs loose in just a second. LOL.
I busted up laughing half way felt sorry for the guy. Not that he deserved it.....
She threw is clothes over the fence to him. I don't think either of them were laughing like I was....
I went out to praise the dogs for their good jobs. When he finally popped up not saying a word......Dogs got a extra treat that night !!!! Made me feel a lot safer.
Each bark out of my dogs you could almost tell if it was a cat, dog, human, horse loose, or if they were barking on the doggie chat line. Doggie chat line they got in trouble. Each bark was a little different.
Hope this gives you a laugh for the day..... i have laughed about it many times....
My rotties have a different bark for every different animal and human-- even "the plane the plane the plane" at 30, 000 feet!!

Knowing Yinepu-- she certainly trusts her dogs--

Quote: Nankins are a very old breed with a very interesting history-- they are only in bantam, and are the oldest bantam, used to make the other bantams-- hta's the nutshell version. THeyalmost diesd out save for one man in England, who passed a few on to two people here in the US, and then Dr Hawes got involved. A VERY worthwhile breed!!!!
I've integrated small hatches up to three weeks apart in age - often the younger ones snuggle in to the older ones very quickly!  But, I also have TWO chicks from the Easter HAL that each have their own mini-brooders because I can't get them to get along with the first three hatched... or each other! :confused:

I'd try putting them together, at a time when you can be near for several hours, to see how it goes.  If they're getting picked on, pull them back out.
sounds good. I know my 4 year old was holding one of the little ones the other day and when he put her back he put her in the big kid brooder. I came in to check food and water and "oh no only two, where is the other little one" look in the big ones and there is a little fuzz butt sitting under the roost with two wyandottes on either side of her
I really should know better by now....men are useless
i was outside trying to make room for the new ducks ill be trying to hatch out and i was in the process of putting down support posts for the wire (which had to be done with crappy gezebo ploes), my dad who wanted to expand the garden area for the ducks in the first place. Didn't want to help do it and then has the nerve to get in a fight we me about globalists. while i'm working the sledgehammer and i bought the hammer down on one of my kuckles (all he had to do was hold the pole while i drove them in even that was too hard) the docter said it wasn't broken. But that *** Started the whole "it's man's work and that's why you got hurt" crap on me at the docters office. Like he was trying to make me out to be some stupid highland park wuss in front of the staff. I came home and i'm mostly finshed. ill put up some pics later on today after the swelling goes down
My DH knows better-- if he had done that to me--I would have torn into him right them and there. Accidents happen, goodness knows I"ve seen a blackened nail a time or two on my DH. Par for the course with heavy tools. Nice you are getting the work done that you want done.

Keep it iced and elevated!
:thumbsup Nice job hatching them!!!!
My rotties have a different bark for every different animal and human-- even "the plane the plane the plane" at 30, 000 feet!!
Knowing Yinepu-- she certainly trusts her dogs-- Nankins are a very old breed with a very interesting history-- they are only in bantam, and are the oldest bantam, used to make the other bantams-- hta's the nutshell version. THeyalmost diesd out save for one man in England, who passed a few on to two people here in the US, and then Dr Hawes got involved. A VERY worthwhile breed!!!!
I love the look of them so Mich and I love that they are the original bantam so to say. They are horribly hard to find though. The ones I have seen aren't extremely expensive but I need to do more research into the standards and such to make sure I get good breeding stock. My DH is particularly fond of the Napkins and the Ayam Cemani breed that he plans on in his words "building a chicken castle and raising my own chickens."
Still no pips i don't think anything will hatch
Still time . . . .

THe hatching schedule reflects the temperature. Mine are hatching early and given that they were not dry enough yet, the poults a dying after externally pipping, one hatched in the incubator and not the hatcher, the externally pipped eggs are all stuck and I have had to peel the shell off and wash the dried glue of the poults . . .what a mess. All because I did not have the tempa nd drying in sinc--- will get better as I go along and put more eggs in the incubator.

THis is what I mean when the eggs tell me if the temperature is right ( incubator running a bit warm) , and I needed to have the lid of my coolerbator cracked open to dry the eggs better even though the Hydrometer read 16% most of the time ( the eggs were not dryying enough).

Live and learn and try again!!!!!!!
My DH knows better-- if he had done that to me--I would have torn into him right them and there. Accidents happen, goodness knows I"ve seen a blackened nail a time or two on my DH. Par for the course with heavy tools. Nice you are getting the work done that you want done.

Keep it iced and elevated!
Thanks it's nice to know someone has a normal family.
it wouldn't have taken this long if i could get help from the people that wanted to start the stuipd projects in the first place my ma hasn't been outside to see the pond i'm digging for the ducks one time since i started a week ago and dad keeps shutting my music off
deep breaths, deep breaths this too shall pass and cute little ducks will be splishing around it that pond in that new inclouser in a few months time and i won' have to worry about it no more!!
Still time . . . .

THe hatching schedule reflects the temperature. Mine are hatching early and given that they were not dry enough yet, the poults a dying after externally pipping, one hatched in the incubator and not the hatcher, the externally pipped eggs are all stuck and I have had to peel the shell off and wash the dried glue of the poults . . .what a mess. All because I did not have the tempa nd drying in sinc--- will get better as I go along and put more eggs in the incubator.

THis is what I mean when the eggs tell me if the temperature is right ( incubator running a bit warm) , and I needed to have the lid of my coolerbator cracked open to dry the eggs better even though the Hydrometer read 16% most of the time ( the eggs were not dryying enough).

Live and learn and try again!!!!!!!
yeah i'm going to be ordering some duck eggs soon i hope things go better with those

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