~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

Only way to do it!
Something went after Penelope a few days ago - no bird losses, but the eggs that were in the nest were destroyed (fortunately, I'd swapped out the turkey eggs for chicken eggs!) Now, she seems to have stopped laying - or at least I can't find them. I've looked everywhere I can think of. I have two of her eggs percolating in the Brinsea, and five more in the cool room; if she doesn't lay more in the next week, or if I can't find them, I'll set those on the 10th - but I hope to have MORE...more....more....

good ness i hope everything works out.
I found her new nest about an hour ago - she's already got six eggs in it. I got impatient last night and set the other five, since I was filling incubators anyway....

She's distancing herself from the earlier poults now - on the 3rd, they all roosted on the fence (first time off the ground) and were like this:

The next night (after they calmed down from the fireworks around us) they were a bit further apart - not packed in & not 'under wing'. the next night, they weren't near touching each other, and one was on a lower board. Tonight, they're all separated by at least a foot, and two are on different fence boards... Guess she's getting ready to turn them loose!
Sweet pic!!!

How are the eggs developing??

The first two I snatched up are looking like this now:

The next batch (of five) had apparently been developing more than I realized, should have put them directly in the 'bator; three quit after a week. The other two are due to hatch at the end of the month (actually Saturday the second, but...)
She'd accumulated ten more, but we had raccoon problems. Raccoon got six of them, the other four are in the incubator and due on the tenth. All but the aforementioned thee are going strong!

They (Jake & Penelope) are still... exhibiting breeding behavior, but I find no nest with eggs. The offending Raccoon was dispatched on Monday, so maybe there's still a chance? Don't know whether or not she'd let him mount if she wasn't going to be laying... *shrg*
Well my cinco de mayo chicks have started laying eggs now! I am pretty excited, the first one started 2 days ago, week 18-19 if my count is correct! Top three small eggs are the pullet eggs.

Here are the chicks at less than a week old with their genetic grandmother who brooded 8 of them.


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