This came from a different chick EE 4 1/2 week old

I'm leaning more to coccidiosis as worms take longer to infest chicks (it takes time to grow from cyst to larvae to adult). If that is a sample from an older bird, then worms is a thought.

However, coccidiosis also takes time to grow from cyst to adult. 2 1/2 weeks really isn't enough time for that either. 4 weeks is though. It takes about 4 weeks for that cycle.

It could be stressed intestinal shedding from the younger ones. What is your heat temp like? Crowding?

I would take a fresh fecal sample of the affected birds. Many vets will do fecal floats very cheaply especially if you are there for other pets.

Don't worry. The chicks and puppies won't share parasites. Almost all parasites are species specific.

Let us know how it goes.

I agree that I wou in some fresh droppings in a ziplock bag to your vet to see if they will do a fecal (but call ahead to make sure they will do one.) How are the chicks acting? Are they active, eating and drinking normally? Since you have treated with Corid already, it might not be necessary for the fecal test if they are doing okay. Sometimes sulfa antibiotics can be used if the Corid does not seem to be effective.
I'm leaning more to coccidiosis as worms take longer to infest chicks (it takes time to grow from cyst to larvae to adult). If that is a sample from an older bird, then worms is a thought.

However, coccidiosis also takes time to grow from cyst to adult. 2 1/2 weeks really isn't enough time for that either. 4 weeks is though. It takes about 4 weeks for that cycle.

It could be stressed intestinal shedding from the younger ones. What is your heat temp like? Crowding?

I would take a fresh fecal sample of the affected birds. Many vets will do fecal floats very cheaply especially if you are there for other pets.

Don't worry. The chicks and puppies won't share parasites. Almost all parasites are species specific.

Let us know how it goes.

Thank you so much the chicks that have had that poo are 4 1/2 weeks the temperature is at 75 should I stop the fermented food for now?
I would take a sample in and see what the vet says.
Can't say whether to stop the fermented food or not. The feed you are using is whole ingredients are they eating all of it when you ferment it? How long are you fermenting, it's not getting moldy is it?
I would take a sample in and see what the vet says.
Can't say whether to stop the fermented food or not. The feed you are using is whole ingredients are they eating all of it when you ferment it? How long are you fermenting, it's not getting moldy is it?
They eat most of it as the do scratch around and much some around but for the most part they gobble it up.. I do the 3 jar method not sure if you know that method I give half in the morning and half at night then start new batch in same container and the use jar 2 same way then jar 3 the next I do not see mold I check and stir once a day at least. As far as collecting a sample I have never done that what do I put it in? I will have to call the vet and ask if he can do it we are in a rural part of Alaska the vet is only here once a month and just happens to be here this week.. Should I stop the Corid treatment? I just did the 7 day treatment for all the birds and did give them oral drops as well. Do I do another treatment of Corid in the 1/3 teaspoon powder treatment?
Thank you so much for taking the time to give helpful info greatly appreciated

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