This forum has been much different lately.

The point is, this is an informational forum, not a chat one! So people need to notice that.
Well, I think chat threads are great, and you would not want me responding to emergency threads for example, that would only increase the problem of misinformation being spread if everyone started responding to emergencies when they don’t know what they are talking about.

The problem is when the chatting is not in chat threads.
So I'm reading some of the responses in this thread, and I think we can agree that "this forum has been much different lately". So if we agree on that, then how do we fix it???

(I'm saying this bc I have no idea :confused: )
Maybe call out unnecessary chatting, and remind people not to just post to get their post count up?
Well, I think chat threads are great, and you would not want me responding to emergency threads for example, that would only increase the problem.

The problem is when the chatting is not in chat threads.
That’s what I mean - there shouldn’t be chatting in the informational sections .

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