This is crap. I can't hardly believe what I am reading here.

I had no idea (of the changes going on in Canada)! As I said that was decades ago. The "media" certainly chooses what they want us to know. Thank goodness for the internet, otherwise we would always be in the dark. Evidently, this is a world-wide problem for the industrial countries. I know I'm off topic so I won't say more. Thanks for enlightening us.

Just read JennsPeeps post. Jenn, I thought the idea originally was for foreign students to come here, get an education, and then return home to improve the home country. Isn't that why foreign countries pay for their young people to come to the U.S.? I know some do marry and stay.

I must be really ignorant of immigration laws because I don't understand how so many people, for example, professional golfers come here and just stay. We hear of so many foreigners who wait years and pay large sums to get into the U.S. to become citizens.
Here is a link that will explain all the details to becoming an American Citizen. Yes you still have to renounce the country you come from and swear allegiance to the United States. I teach Civics, if you want there is a link on there to order free flash cards and study materials, also you can download the flash cards on PDF and print them. There are great resources for teachers, FREE, read FREE FREE FREE!!!

Question 53 on the flash cards answers the question about swearing loyalty and such.
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Just to point out, I'm not talking about exchange students. Exchange programs are meant to go, study, & return home.

Some countries allow matriculated (degree seeking) students to stay a certain period upon the completion of their degrees, or even give them a visa to stay. Foreign students pay tuition into our school systems and bring money into our economies. They are self-funded and don't get the in-state tuition break at any point (at least in WA State). Foreign students where I work pay something like $30-40k for the 2-year graduate program.

My point is that it's short-sighted to turn people away who are highly educated, responsible people and who want to become a member of our society, pay taxes, and work hard for their upper middleclass American life style. Instead, these students must return home, where they move into high-level positions and then compete directly with American companies.
It's exactly the same in the UK. We can't do anything for fear of offending some minority, quickly becoming the majority.
We can't fly our flag. We don't celebrate our patron Saint George like the Irish celebrate St's as though they are trying to fizzle out England and turn us into a super state of Europe.
Personally I'd love to move to Ireland where they have their own laws and rules and are independent of the UK silliness. Also lots of green fields and land for my flock of hens.
mmmmm It's sounding more tempting by the minute.
Agree w/ Angie, it looks very much like the size was the issue and the article was harping on her side of the story without saying much about the other side. Why didn't they find the other supervisor who complained and talk to them?

You can't hang a flag just anywhere. It should be done in a respectful manner where it won't get dirty and won't be blocked from view, lit at night, stays in good condition, etc etc. I've known people who consider themselves super-duper patriotic who will nevertheless wipe their dirty mouths with flag napkins, dry their behinds with flag towels, sit on flag toilet seats (click the link, I'm sadly not kidding). I do find that offensive, because that IMHO that is disrespectful and against the US Flag Code. But I can see someone pitching a hissyfit for the news cameras accusing ME of being un-American were I to complain about it, you know?

I've also known some co-workers--jeez, I bet everyone has--who just like to be contrary and make a big deal out of nothing. I wish there was a way to test for Drama Queens and Kings in the job interview, but there isn't really.
Wow! 30-40K! Yes, I was thinking of exchange students, not grads. Thanks ladies, I will check out the gov. website. Don't we learn something new every day?

Eyupchook, before I retired a few years ago I spent my lunch hour in the library reading foreign newspapers and magazines. At that time Ireland had Intel move in so there was more employment. Illegal immigrants were coming in from Ghana and there was a shortage of Catholic priests. Some of the new priests were from Ghana. Evidently, Ireland had a past relationship with Ghana.

Germany and France were also changing. Der Spiegel had article after article about granting dual citizenship to Turks. I wonder how that turned out. It seems everybody in the world is moving around. I love retirement but the thing I miss the most about retirement is my library.
The person who complained was from Africa, been here 14 years, took the flag down and dropped it on the floor. But if she had put up a flag of Kenya and someone had done the same thing it would be a case of bigotry !
Please educate me. I would like to know what freedoms I have lost and when I lost them. Please provide freedom lost and when it was lost.

That's a pretty harsh comment!
I'm sure Canada would take ya. We let everyone in. It's not so bad. Come on over.

Seriously though, is it true that Americans aren't allowed to go anywhere?

There are not special provisions for USA citizens. Most countries have much tougher Immigration laws and they apply to all nationalities wanting to immigrate. Last I heard they aren't sending anyone to concentration camps yet. Course I haven't listened to certain radio personalities for a while.

If I ever tried to immigrate to a different country it would be Canada.

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