This is crap. I can't hardly believe what I am reading here.

O_O Wow. Just wow.

Honestly, her boss is a meathead. It's the very country you live in, WHY can't you display your flag with pride?!!? I agree with Sesmic wonder 2. GRR!!


Oh wait, ^ is going to change to

Nothing surprises me any more , its crazy so very many people in our long history have fought and died more then I can count so that we can have freedom and safty and be proud to be who we are , and then we take it away from ourselves. In what world does that make any kind of sense at all , the school my son goes to is not allowed anything not just religous holidays cause there might be one athiest in the entire school district , but any holidays any any thing they cant even celebrate there own birthdays as that may be offinsive to someone . Why are our people over there dying for that contries freedom when the same goverment is squashing ours.
If you read through the whole thing, it says that the issue was not the fact that it was an American Flag, but that it was very large. 3foot by 5 foot is huge, especially in a shared space. The office could be very small. In no place does it say that the complainant(s) have an issue with America at all. That conclusion is jumped to by the flag owner and alluded to in the article. Moving to the US legally is time intensive and very expensive, it is not done lightly, or generally by those who don't really want to be here. We don't know the back story. This could be a person that is continuously changing the office without consulting with others. Manners dictates that when sharing an office with others, before putting in something large (again 3x5 is huge) to converse with your officemates about it. It sounds like she really didn't do that.

That article is pretty biased and only giving one side. Maybe asking her to remove it was anti patriotism motivated, but then again, maybe not.

3 foot by 5 foot - that's a big flag for in a small office.
ahem, that would be the Flag of the Union, the Jack is only flown at sea.

Seriously, I know what you mean.

Here in Northern Ireland flying a flag can and still does get you killed, at the very least it will get your windows smashed, paint daubed on your windows and petrol poured through your letter box... When I have to drive through an area hung with flags I am always terrified in case my car is stopped or I get lost and end up in a dangerous possition.

I would love to be patriotic and celebrate my nationality and I am very envious that in the USA you are free to do so...........its one of the many reasons my husband and I applied for imigration to the USA ten years ago. Unfortunately we are still waiting for them to get around to issuing our greencard, they estimate it will be four more years
.......and you better believe there will be a flag flying in my yard!
Maybe it was just he way the article stated it but it sounded like to me that after they got heat about it the hospital tried to say it wasnt the flag it was the size when in the begining it was the flag

maybe thats wrong but still , it was a holiday get over it it was only gonna be up for a couple days , for other holidays and events they have big tacky crap probly so it wont kill them for her to fly a big flag for a couple days
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I have a question. I always thought that an immigrant had to renounce the old country citizenship/allegience to become an American citizen but I read in Maureen O'Hara's book that she had dual citizenship. She was going to have to be considered a British citizen at first, but she protested and won. (Irish/U.S) I think Peter Jennings also had dual citizenship, Canadian and U. S. Does anyone know when we changed the law to permit dual citizenship?

I haven't read all the posts so hope I'm not repeating someone else's post.
The article felt pretty one sided to me, the only person quoted was her and the only facts stated about the main complainant was that they were a 14 year immigrant. Many immigrants are among the most patriotic citizens we have in the US, they have worked so hard to get here. And yes, it totally could have been a political request, but I just feel we don't have enough info in that article to judge or to make character judgements about anyone.

I totally agree, and that is something the supervisors all should have been grown up enough to discuss. But, we all know how offices can be
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quote from article:

"When McLucas came to work Friday, her boss told her another supervisor had found her flag offensive."

"Offensive" seems pretty clear to me. At the end of the article, the "official" hospital response to the media was that the issue was over the size of the flag, not what it symbolized. I would guess that it was an attempt to avoid all the attention. Unless the word "offensive" was misused, I don't think it would be applied to the size of the flag... as in, "I find the size of that flag offensive." That just doesn't make sense.
ahem, that would be the Flag of the Union, the Jack is only flown at sea.

Seriously, I know what you mean.

Here in Northern Ireland flying a flag can and still does get you killed, at the very least it will get your windows smashed, paint daubed on your windows and petrol poured through your letter box... When I have to drive through an area hung with flags I am always terrified in case my car is stopped or I get lost and end up in a dangerous possition.

I would love to be patriotic and celebrate my nationality and I am very envious that in the USA you are free to do so...........its one of the many reasons my husband and I applied for imigration to the USA ten years ago. Unfortunately we are still waiting for them to get around to issuing our greencard, they estimate it will be four more years
.......and you better believe there will be a flag flying in my yard!

Why wait, just sneak in like everybody else, pay a fine, and get your papers...
Just teasing y'know I commend you for doing it properly if it were up to me you would be here with a red carpet rolled out.
I participate in a lot of "Political" forums. People don't seem to realize that their freedoms are being taken away very quickly.

There is no place for Americans to go when it gets worse. We are like the Jews when they begged to come here when the Germans took over, and the whites in Africa who were being raped and slaughtered and no country would accept them. We are on our own.

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