This Kid Loves School

I was on the phone to the customer service dept. for our internet or something (don't remember my brain shut that out to save my sanity) my son started playing his dang BARITONE upstairs, it sounded like a REALLY bad case of GAS... I didn't know if I should yell at him to SHUT UP or hope to heck the person on the other side couldn't hear verywell.
We have a kid on our bus stop that goes to the stop by himself too. He is just six years old.

ooh sure..plenty of 6 year olds take the bus....but most parents will stay with a chilld that young until the bus comes...i know i that age..
I think it's regional - around here I would be with my 15 year old at the bus stop. Where my son went to school, it was no big deal... I walked him there, a whole three houses and then went home. the school was only about 1/2 mile away but those kids loved waiting for the bus and playing at the bus stop.
Let's try not to judge now.

What if mom missed the alarm, kid got up on own, and ran out of the house towards school instead of waking mom? Maybe she did the bus stop routine so often with the kid, that he knew what to do so thought he was going to be a big kid and do it himself and let mommy rest? Never know.
According to the news report I read he did so well due to his driving while playing Grand Theft Auto - which is a MATURE game that I wouldn't let my 15 year old have because I don't want my 10 year old playing it. But a 6 year old has played it enough to be able to drive a real car??
Poor little kid. Thank God he didn't kill himself or any one else.
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very true silkie!..if that happend it is very differant then!....i wonder why CPS took the kids though?...thats what concerns me...but..ooh well...the kid is safe now...(and thats what matters now).and none of us was there to know what the situation really guess CPS will handle it now...

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