Those who need help in sexing peafowl

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Those pictures I took with my cell phone that would be why it isn't as good of quality. In my avatar there are 2 peacocks Thor IB Pied, Colbolt my IB male who is 3 years old, Then the 2 peahens, Jadea IB 3 years old and Calypso. I think that your looking for barring on his shoulder, I know when I saw that he didn't have any when I was buying him I was getting a little worried but I have tried to sex them by the barring but it didn't work for any of my Indian Blue peachicks I've hatched out. The primary feathers will remain the same through their entire life but you don't want to sex them when it is brand new feathers that just came in. The chicks aren't molting when they are 2 to 3 weeks. They will sometimes do a small molt when they are about 2 to 3 months or sometimes 5 months. Just don't use new primary wing feathers when sexing by the primaries. It can throw you any where. Some peahen feathers will be slightly orange but a bunch of brown dots on the feather and some males might get a few brown spots at the tip of the feather but that fades out within a week. What I do to train my eye to know what to look for since I know what to look for Google images peachicks and find pics where the peachicks primary wing feathers show and eventually you will know how close a male's primary feathers can get to the female and how close female primaries get to males. Males can look a little like females when they begin getting colors. Usually when the peachick hatches in June or July sometimes August they will have their yearling feathers by 7 to 9 months of age. Or at least that's what me and my neighbors have discovered with IB. Though the white genetics might make things faster or slower.
Here are a few updated pictures I just took of my Pied Peafowl. Something though I realized with Thor is the first 2 or 3 primary feathers are grey while the last 3 or 4 feathers on his right wing are the orangish color. On his other wing it's almost the same result but he has more orangish color. Also Thor's really camera shy when it comes to digital cameras but when it comes to cell phones he doesn't care. So he wouldn't drop his wing like Calypso does, no matter how many times I try to pull it down he pulls it back up.Calypso in front Thor in the back

Calypso right Thor left

Thor left Calypso Right



Calypso in front Thor in back

Pretty girls
I'm going to agree with Zaz, pretty girls!
Maybe Thor needs to change to Thora?

One thing that I find helpful to ID gals is that their chest-to-abdomen feathers are white around the edge, as with our girl Chicken Girl (see below) and your "boy" Thor. But I certainly have limited experience with non-IBs...

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Though he's still young he hatched out July 16 tomorrow he will be 5 months old. Though if you look at the primary feathers in these pics they represent that of a male through the entire time I've had him. I guess only time will tell what Thor really is. I only sex peachicks by the primary feathers because I have had and see peahens start off with barring and then fade and I've seen males that don't get barring until spring.

2 months

2 months

Sorry that you cant's see them that well. 3 months

3 months
Now I'm even more sure Thor's a "she"!
But whatever she turns out to be, she's sure a cutie.

I can't remember, did you hand raise her? She seems really friendly.

In my own limited experience, every peachick I've ever seen (except for BS) starts out with wing barring whether they're girls or boys, and then the barring fades on the gals.
yes I can Zaz. I got Thor when Thor was 5 weeks old and I've been raising him by hand since same with Calypso but I got Calypso when she was 2 weeks old.
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