Those who need help in sexing peafowl

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my pied girls and my ib hen (from left to right, silver pied, ib, pied, pied)

younger pic

these birds are 2 now. and very much hens. the yunger pictures are around 3-4 months old. and for the longest time I thought 1 was a male.
WOW! That's a lot of photos. All of them are so pretty. I feel sorry for you but at the same time lucky. I only have 2 yearling ducks that follow me. Non of my peafowl follow me they just give me their attention and Thor and Calypso let me pet them and just about everything. The one time I had a bottle fed steer that weighed 1325 and I didn't have a halter on him or a lead he would follow me everywhere and if I ignored him he would head butt me.
It seems as if when it comes to patterns in peafowl that develop or fade over time it is different peafowl to peafowl.
It seems as if when it comes to patterns in peafowl that develop or fade over time it is different peafowl to peafowl.
My cameo hen faded but none of my blues do, if they did i would be giving them a good worming

what colors have you seen fade? i bet bronze does.


This is her faded , she is messing with Kritter
When IB peacocks become 2 years old they have the barring fades into a solid black green color, I don't know if you would consider that fading. Some IB female peachicks have lots of barring on their shoulders and then it goes the brown it should be. I took some pictures I was taking them when the sun was beginning to set so I'm sorry if it's hard to see some things and I took one shot of Thor towards the sun. Thor's wings are acting just like Colbolt's breast and train when he was getting older. Colbolt's right side will develop before the left and then when the right was finish the left began, and when the left finished the center started and ended and then we got what he looks like now. Thor has a blue neck and Calypso has an emerald green neck. They are looking beautiful. On Thor's left shoulder he now has one feather that is barred but it's kind of hard to see. Also his breast has like 2 feathers now that are going from that creamy yellow of a peahen to a white like a yearling peacock. He is a late bloomer I'm 100% sure!

Figured out why Calypso's crest is bent. Today there was a strong wind and all 4 of my peafowl just jumped up a kept flying around my coop and she just smashes her head on the roof.
Thor you can see the blue neck in this pic barring a little but male primary feathers and white spot

Thor barring and if you zoom in on the primary he has male primaries

Thor little white speckle. If you look really hard and close you can see the male primary feathers

Thor and Calypso, Thor blue neck white spot, Calypso green neck hard to tell and dark shoulders.

Thor and Calypso, Thor blue neck, Calypso her crest is bent but the feather itself is a fan shape.
Calypso, green neck and dark wing feathers.
When IB peacocks become 2 years old they have the barring fades into a solid black green color, I don't know if you would consider that fading. Some IB female peachicks have lots of barring on their shoulders and then it goes the brown it should be. I took some pictures I was taking them when the sun was beginning to set so I'm sorry if it's hard to see some things and I took one shot of Thor towards the sun. Thor's wings are acting just like Colbolt's breast and train when he was getting older. Colbolt's right side will develop before the left and then when the right was finish the left began, and when the left finished the center started and ended and then we got what he looks like now. Thor has a blue neck and Calypso has an emerald green neck. They are looking beautiful. On Thor's left shoulder he now has one feather that is barred but it's kind of hard to see. Also his breast has like 2 feathers now that are going from that creamy yellow of a peahen to a white like a yearling peacock. He is just a late bloomer I'm 100% sure!

Figured out why Calypso's crest is bent. Today there was a strong wind and all 4 of my peafowl just started jumping into the air and flying. Calypso kept smacking her head on the roof.
Thor, blue neck, white spot, male primaries if you zoom in close enough, and little bit of barring and one barred feather on his shoulder.

Thor, male primary feathers and barring

Thor white spot and hard to see the primary feathers but they are of a male.

Thor and Calypso, Thor blue neck and white spot, Calypso dark shoulder and dark green neck

Thor and Calypso, Thor blue neck, Calypso dark shoulders

Calypso, Dark shoulders and green neck.
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