Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Good morning, hatching friends. :)

My duckies are all growing up fast! They got to go wading in the tub last night. It was great fun to watch. Maybe tonight we will make it deep enough on one end for them to swim. Hoping the weather is warm enough today to let them outside for a bit too. We did not do it yesterday since we lost power and had no working heat lamp for them to warm up under after being outside. Iain's saved ducky, Caboose, is catching up with his siblings fast and if he wasn't one of two without a tan chest, we would not be able to tell him apart. We did notice, though, that he is really cool with being picked up and held. Wonder if it is because we hatched him by hand?

Also, luckily the power outage did not seem to immediately affect any of my eggs, as my 12 duckies and 6 goosies are still developing nicely. Yay!!
I went to the doctor for a check up the other day.... I lost 40 lbs.

so day 9 for the scovy eggs.
and 5 for the pekin
still only veining in 2 of the scovy eggs
one has a little crack in it . is there something i can do about that?
will it effect it?
i dont want to pitch it since its one of the 2 that has veining.
and lots of it today .
the veining now covers almost half the egg. =)
Hey Michael in NC!! Welcome to our little chat fest!

Good morning everyone. I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I have been lurking and reading posts for the past few days and thought I would hop on and say hi! I live in NC and I have a pair of sweet muscovy ducks and I am hoping to hatch some more this spring. My hen hasn't started laying yet so I just have to read about yall hatching because it isn't my turn just yet lol. I am really hoping she starts laying soon because it has been pretty warm but I am sure she will start when she is ready. I had to get them a bigger tub to swim in because my temp one was a wee small and I hadn't seen them mate since I took the pool away. So hopefully with the bigger tub of water and warm weather I will have fertile eggs soon!

Also, I am ordering the new hovabator next week so I will be ready! I love this breed, they are just awesome birds and probably my favorite in my whole flock.

Nice to meet all of you guys! You can check my blog for pics of them if you want. Link is in my signature.
Hey Celtic! I have them propped up a little on their sides. And I haven't turned them yet. So it's been.. Exactly 24 hours now, I'm waiting til tmw to turn them. I finally got my humidity up by buying a pack of sponges and soaking them. So I'm at 60 now.

When should I candle?
Morning all, got home around 1 am and so soooo tired. Ok just some things from reading and catching up.

Call ducklings are TINY, lol heads the size of a thumb nail many times.

Sebastopols will breed in pairs and trios very easily. They actually bond very well and sometimes you can't break those bonds.

Sebastopol eggs should be set on their side for incubation, start turning 24 hours after setting if the air cells look good on shipped eggs. Up to 72 hours later if shipping was a little rough.

Uumm, oh yeah our new Sebastopol pair arrives this week!

Today is farm day so customers will start arriving around 9 and I am on my first cup of coffee.

Think I might list 6 call duck eggs, I have blue fawn and pied blue fawn collected from while I was gone.
Keep us posted!
Evelle: hope your babies did okay last night. I put my 3 little ones out a few nights ago, but they just went to the outside brooder so it will be several weeks before they will be introduced to the big girls and then I know I'll have to take Draco out because he is such a jerk with youngsters.

The eggs are quiet this morning, no pips yet but they are probably resting up. I'm just patiently waiting.
Elmer's glue is what I've read to use on a crack.

so day 9 for the scovy eggs.
and 5 for the pekin
still only veining in 2 of the scovy eggs
one has a little crack in it . is there something i can do about that?
will it effect it?
i dont want to pitch it since its one of the 2 that has veining.
and lots of it today .
the veining now covers almost half the egg. =)
Ok, So hubby gave me the OK last night to order the Sebbies. Of course he doesn't know about the 2 eggs in the bator. :) I think I'm going to wait and see what starts veining in these eggs first, and take it from there.

I have one Chocolate and 2 Lemons that are due to hatch in 5 days. I'm saying a little prayer that they will make it, and that the one egg marked "orp" is in fact, a chocolate one.

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