Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Yay, QJ! You have a cool hubby!

By the way, why do ducklings scoot backwards when pooping? How long before they grow out of that? It's very funny!
Hubby is pretty awesome, but I did get "the lecture" last night. Ya know, the one where he says, "So, do you have a limit that your thinking about? And what is that number."
michaelinnc84 Welcome!
My incubator was at 104 when I woke up. It's been chillier the last few days and running a little cooler, so I turned it up a bit and it was where it was supposed to be a few hours later, but I guess shot up sometime over night. I just got done candling and can still see ducklings moving in all but one. The one I can't see I'm not sure on, so I'll recheck later.

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