Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

i will have to take some photos later cause im at work.

To me they are very obvious. Post a pic.
Same here! (watching all day part). They are so cute.. Even as embryos. LOL.

i could sit and watch my ducky dance in the light all day long if i could.
i think he was sleeping at first so i waited a second and he started moving and little.
then started wiggling up a storm .
the other 1 still just moved a tiny bit, he obaviously isnt as lively.
i really hope these are both pekin or both muscovy.
if not im going to have an issue lol.
they are both on day 15 (sat on the same day)
but if they arent the same thing. they will mature different and therefore hatch at different times.
so far they look like they are maturing the same.
same amount of space being taken up. veining looks good.
just 1 is ALOT more active.
And if you get a pair of palms, I'll be buying eggs from you. Just to warn you. LOL!!

Hey girlie !!! I got the hook up for yah!

Just counted all eggs....

Bought 81 turkey
27 Bourbon Reds
10 Narragansett
38 Royal Palms
6 Midget Whites

My Free Eggs (I hatch her eggs, & we split the hatch 50/50)
& for Chickens
43 Brown Leghorns
51 RIR
27 Buff Orps
15 Barred Rock
1 lonely White Orp

I HAVE IN LD as of yesterday
my WHF LAV orps, only 4 look promising.... BUT

The LAV are not scheduled to hatch til the 11th & one popped out this morning!

11 Lemon Cuckoo Marans ~
They were supposed to go into LD until today, but I decided to put them down with my orps.... & THANK CARP I did, Last night 4 pipped!!! & this morning I had 2 hatch out & dry ~ Not due til the 12th ~ days early !
Awesome!! I just hatched 2 Lemon Orps and I'm waiting on that (hopefully) chocolate.
(if you didn't read all the thread, now you're caught up.)

Hey girlie !!! I got the hook up for yah!

Just counted all eggs....

Bought 81 turkey
27 Bourbon Reds
10 Narragansett
38 Royal Palms
6 Midget Whites

My Free Eggs (I hatch her eggs, & we split the hatch 50/50)
& for Chickens
43 Brown Leghorns
51 RIR
27 Buff Orps
15 Barred Rock
1 lonely White Orp

I HAVE IN LD as of yesterday
my WHF LAV orps, only 4 look promising.... BUT

The LAV are not scheduled to hatch til the 11th & one popped out this morning!

11 Lemon Cuckoo Marans ~
They were supposed to go into LD until today, but I decided to put them down with my orps.... & THANK CARP I did, Last night 4 pipped!!! & this morning I had 2 hatch out & dry ~ Not due til the 12th ~ days early !
I've got 4 silver appleyards coming next Friday and I'm REALLY hoping nothing goes wrong with those. But my main stress is the geese because I've never done them before. So right there with ya, and that protective bubble idea that you have. LOL.
i know its bad to get this attached and still have 2 weeks left.
im so scared sumthin is going to happen.
i just wanna put a little protective majoic bubble around them so they are ok

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