Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Yeah, pretty much, except I expect a better outcome with ducks!

Hey EHQ - have you ever had a quail with a bunch of turned out feathers? Looks like its wearinga muff

Are we for sure talking about a coturnix? I have not experienced anything like that. The only out turned feathers my birds get are from the males ripping feathers out of the females heads when mating.
Thanks, qj! He was so big, he got his butt stuck when hatching! Came out 3 days after molasses and was over twice his size. But molasses is spry and my Toulouse is calm and sweet. They are the perfect pair. :D

Eyeheart, good to see you and congrats on your baby quail! Glad you got outside and took advantage of nice weather.

Kevin, hope your ferret gets better soon!
Thanks Utah, Yes, it was absolutely gorgeous the past 2 days. I feel very accomplished with chores
LOL definitely appetizers. My males will generally crow before the hens start laying so I would try to keep an ear out for the beginnings of crow sounds.

Not at all. I'm still waiting for those first egg(s) then I'll start knowing more. If it is 3 to 1, it'll be appetizers for two.
so it looks like i am going to have to clip miss white silkies nails tomarrow.
they are super long as if they were in a wire cage their entire life.
i put one of our cochin hens in with them so maybe they can make a friend and learn to be a chicken.
peas were a hit with the white hen.

in duckling news.
sold 8 ducklings today for a total of $62
left with 8 babies i am keeping
and the 6 (i think) still for sale (all grey)

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