Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

I had to go back & look!! YEPPERS I saw them! CUTE, I don't know why but sometimes I don't see posts right away when I am reading.... Has that happened to anyone else? Like Eye
will ask if I saw her post of her babes & I hadn't ~ then I go back & they are there... wierd. maybe when to many posts, post at the same time there is a delay or something
I will let ya know! Do you want to come & pick up or do you want to meet me in Oly some time? I make trips up there to Freddies, and Cash n Carry.

Bad baies!! Look how they muddied their pool!

If you let me know when you have ducklings, I can send you peeps... I am constantly turning people away right now because I quit hatching there this last month.
jaz it took them 2 days to get the pool muddy lol.
the adults. its muddy within 20 .
so i think the adults r the bad babies.
Dutch, great pictures. Is that the grey you mentioned to me? Nice head and bill on that little bugger.

Iain, sorry about the new gosling drama. They are nibbles and chewers for sure. We sweep the yard and brooder house for loose strings, twine ect constantly to make sure the little darlins are eatting anything they shouldn't. Found one attempting to eat my broom, had to move it away. No towels, no stuffed animals, just parrot toys and their food/water. Less I have to watch out for that way.

92! 92 friggen degrees out today. :rolleyes: just emptied and refilled every pool. Mama goat and the baby are doing great. The little one likes to play and we put the, in the garden with the middle aged goslings. Let's of grass, shade, water and we can keep an eye on them. Had a blue laced red wyandotte go broody on us. She hatched three black copper marans and now some EE's are hatching. Did I mention 92 friggen degrees? It's ok though, won't be complaining when we are swimming at Christmas and New Years. Neither will our birds when they have pasture all year.
It was probably my fault, I was grabbing the silkie eggs out of their nesting spot daily. Had my day off and thought I had hit the jackpot when there were TWO! I've still got silkie eggs to go, but I'm 1 for 10 at this point, if you count the accidental chicken as a no-hatch.
******* Bastards ******* Bastards .... hee heee that was fun
Well, got brooder duty taken care of. In the process, I reopened the cut on my hand that I got today for about the sixth time. Didn't notice until I felt the blood running down my arm, bled right through the bandage again.

I've been really accident-prone today. I guess that's what's contributing to my bad mood this evening. Ran over my foot with the garden cart, smacked my ankle hard with same garden cart, twisted ankle on other foot whilst hopping up and down in pain. Smacked elbow, cracked knee, etc. And that was before I went to work and fileted my finger.

Lucky I managed to end the day with all body parts attached. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Morning all.

Never got on yesterday, spent the day driving to other cities to work on my dads stuff all afternoon, and finally got home late and just ate and went to bed.

All my babies are doing well. My midget white turkeys ordered were due this week, but hatchery had to reshedule for June, due to a bad hatch. Glad I'm not the only one having turkey hatch troubles!

Goslings are all doing well. Duckies all smell (but well). Chickens are growing. I noticed today that one of my pheasant is a victim of picking, and either I'll put the two together alone, or something. Anyone have pheasants? Are they pickers??? I'd guess so, quail can be.

Bought the girls a new above ground pool yesterday at a wal-mart on the way home. They are very very excited. I'm just glad no water birds can get into it.

School is out now, so I'll actually get to check in more.

I want to say to EVERYONE that I miss you all, and I'm sorry I've been gone so much the last few weeks.
You know how it goes. Seems like work is over, do chores, then lots of other details to finish. Somebody has talked to me and wants to buy my dads house. Since we don't plan to live there at all (its only a 2 bedroom) we're also trying to go through stuff and clean. He was a bit of a pack rat I'm afraid, so its gonna be a busy busy summer, trying to do that on top of everything else. Oh well, at least he didn't brood ducks!!!
1- we all miss you too

2- hope you get your turkeys soon!
no waterfowl get into your pool! and the girls have fun with it!
ok my morning update is no good at all.
lost 2 more babies in the night.
the other 1 that had been upside down. and another who was quite the entire time. i expected him to go . he just seemed so weak. barely moved never peeped.

the upside down one i didnt expect he seemed to be doing good. i guess he just swallowed too much fluid.

the other 6 seem to be doing good.
everyone had a little more fluid in their egg than i would have liked since humidity has been soo high here. im going to start cooling the other eggs everyday after this hatch.
but the extra fluid has everyone sticky. well ok they arent sticky nemore they are more crunchy now lol.
but still fiesty. this just means they will get a bath earlier than usual.
they all have about a dime sized yolk to absorb. so they should be out when i get home from class.

looks like a grey. 2 snowys. a black magpie. a blue bibbed. and the other is either a blue bibbed or magpie i cant quite tell yet

I may be able to help with the first 3. Before I switched from the double major (nursing and bio) to just bio, I had some classes there and began covering some of this. Turns out I didn't want to take orders very well, so I wisely just became a bio major with the idea of maybe becoming a vet or MD or dentist afterword. My title? Mom and Food service manager. Go figure! (our cook quite last year, and I stepped up - turns out the biology was very use full, cause there is tons of state paperwork, and lots of food safety regulations. In 3 years, I can apply to the state to be a food inspector)
That sounds cool!
Found this cute surprise yesterday.

Wonder where I can get more of these eggs?

CG, sorry for your losses.

Marty & Sue: Glad to see you.

Quackers, hope today is better for you!!

(just cause I want to say hi)

Celtic, cute baby!

My new buff dewlap and her 6 packing peanuts all arrived safely.
This gosling is as old as the last two I got, so easy peasy merge into the group...
My mother loved the Copper Marans chicks...all big fat healthy chicks.
I'm done shipping in birds for now....or even eggs. I have what I wanted/needed. Well....I say that....there is one more thing I want, but they are VERY expensive
But I want them really bad.....

Butters spent the night with his group, and did just fine. I love it when that happens! Just need to get these 3 new babies up and going so they can go in with them. I have 2 more Call eggs under the broodies due in a couple of days. Last group of Call eggs under broodies, total of 14, due the 9th. Just silkies and sizzles in between them.

Well I gotta take off .... Gunna buy some feed from this mill I have been too, around 19% all purpose feed @ 17 cents a pound !
So like 1,000 pounds for 170 dollars
wish they had that kind of deal around here!
HELLO???!!!!!!! I made it here and nobody is here...

This is Lucy. What kind of goose do you think?

My babies from Celtic

Ok my billionth guess the color question...So what color do you all think these muscovies will be? The colors never show up well in the photos. If nothing else a good chance to show off the cuties.

The left most duckling could be white or buff

this one doesn't show up well but the feathers look blue/brown/white all on the same feather

not sure about color, but they sure are cute!!!!!!

So my ultra-helpful hubby is trying to help me sell ducklings and hatching service...


Applewoods! I wonder if they're good smoked?

I'm not mocking him, he was laughing when I corrected him.

I had to add that "waterfoul" may be technically correct, however...

Hi everyone! Just passing through, but had to say hello.

Hello SM, QJ. GC, DG, Kevin, Celtic, Iain, and Jazz -

Today I put the little "Quacky Campbells" in with the goslings in an outdoor grassy pool area for daytime.

Heres the "mixing It" pic.....

very cute!

I lost a baby chicken
I went out to gather babies up to put them away and one of my little polish chicks is gone. Its a black one with a white cap. Has anybody seen it? I have looked everywhere for it.

I'm gonna start using this one on random threads:


Here is some more of my "babies" that aren't so little any more.

Look at the weird looking ancona too. Strange isn't it


Just watching ebay & I swear some people are on crack! Why would it cost $23 to ship 3 chicken eggs???
that is ridiculous!
Just looked, and I think DG will be getting her box of goslings today (a day early!)

Here is a pic of my new trio of buffs. Wish they were already on their way... but with memorial day holiday, Carole felt it best to wait until Tuesday to ship.

As promised.... when I took Barley & co. out to their side yard this morning, I brought my camera. Got a fun sequence of shots. The ONLY thing Barley is not scared of are my cats, and my cats don't get it because they like Barley & co. But Barley always chases the cats away whenever they get too close. First shot is Barley announcing that cat came into yard... then Barley chases it back through window (ie cat door) and marches back all proud of herself for taking care of the cat.

so cute, barley is getting so big!

Babies are at PO!!!

Fergie my middle Seb doesn't feel good. She's not grazing like the others are. She's keeping to herself and laying down a lot. Her eyes look sad. (don't laugh). I've thought this for about 3 days now.

Thought's on that please Celtic? Or whoever.

Here's the gray I'm seeing. Hope it comes through in the pic..

hope she feels better soon!

Got my babies! They are so cute! I'm in love! Yes, I know this is against every rule out there, but I connot post pics till later! Gotta finish baby playpen! Oh, and celtic, don't see any care sheet lol.

ducks are close to hatching!
jumpy.gif are a few pics I took last night with my cell phone.

Mother Goose and Daffy duck checking everyone out.

Mother Goose wanting the babies so bad...that's Simon.

The new buff girl is to the left of Simon.

I still plan on having a photo shoot, though, lol.

Holderreads cashed my check!!! On another thread the girl that got her check cashed last week already has a shipment date, so hoping mine comes soon too!

I just sold 2 ducks that I'm pretty sure will be coming back to me in a month. Maybe not.. just never had ducks before and REALLY wanted a couple. They are going to stay in contact with me to ask any questions. I almost didn't sell them.. but then I thought. "ya know? you gotta start somewhere."

i have good and bad news.

bad news is my critical babies died .

good news.
the 2 leg issue babies. got moved to the brooder.
still slightly wobbly.
but are much better than earlier in the day .

heres the pics i promised dutch.
my juvies
3 mystery babies
1 white hen
2 blue bibbed hens
1 choch bibbed hen
2 black magpie drakes (iffy on 1)
1 blue fawn hen
1 snowy drake

im really starting to agree with julie on the mystery baby in the front on the right.
hes looking more and more lilac.


So... I was leaving to pick up free drake, people come to look at car. People look at car, I head towards drake... phone call. People call from Olympia (an hour drive) wanting to come get ducklings. Got drake, now waiting. Looks like I'll have five leaving.

Blue runner drake is one handsome dude. Without having much time to talk to the previous owner, I would guess he's Holderread. He's beautiful!

Now to try to inhale dinner before duckling buyers arrive.
waiting for pics, did the people want the car?

This little duckling escaped the playpen mulitple times to hang out with me today (sorry about my ugly mug):

Check it out, it's a chuck, ducken, something like that:
very cute!, is that a cross?

Check out this beautiful duck! It's runner x this duck:

Tiny babies...

Such a cute wittle face!

Butters on the right...he was a bit stressed, and didn't seem like he felt very well. Went promptly back to the hospital ward.

Grey baby....hollering like I'm killing him!

A splash, and a blue Silkie doing the hokey pokey, got her right foot

Filthy buff Silkies

Butterscotch Calls, BF Call, Grey Call, and Silkies

And my favorite pic of the week....Blue Fawn to the left, Grey to the right, Butterscotch up front. The butter looks bigger due to the angle, he's actually a bit smaller. Cute, Cute, Cute!
i love the first pic! they are all so cute! i will have to get another card for my camera so i can post a pic of my silkie, i thought it was blue and now i am pretty sure it is black
Update: Handful is acting totally normal now and I no longer see anything in nare. Probably will still go to vet appt for Spirit follow up, vent sexing, and have all my babies given a quick check.

ETA: Talked to vet. My appointment has been rescheduled to afternoon for regular office visit (instead of emergency price) to get Spirit re-checked. They also said no problem with me bringing all my dewlaps (and Barley's toulouse companion) in for vent sexing. This should be an experience.
Dutch, glad Butters is doing well with your other babies! And it's neat seeing the different sized dewlaps all getting along. Only a few more hours and we will know if Barley is a girl or boy. I'm looking forward to that, although I feel bad I'm subjecting Barley to a 1.5 hour round trip car ride, plus the stress of the visit just to find out its gender. :) The vet has prepared me for special needs issues when Spirit gets full sized. That is another reason why I want to take Spirit in today to make sure that things are going in the right direction for her.

Jaz, sounds good to me. I hope that when the time comes, I will have cayuga eggs from my pair to swap with you. My pair definitely look like a "couple" and are head bobbing. Squeak is also acting super territorial of his lady, Twist with the other cayuga drake (who should be going to his new home today/tomorrow).

Speaking of mating. Right now I have my 2 drakes (both 16 weeks) with their ladies, who range from 9-16 weeks. Do I need to worry about the underage girls being with them?
Tiny babies...

Such a cute wittle face!

Filthy buff Silkies

And my favorite pic of the week....Blue Fawn to the left, Grey to the right, Butterscotch up front. The butter looks bigger due to the angle, he's actually a bit smaller. Cute, Cute, Cute!
WOW I say post some pics... I guess that gave you the LETS SEE HOW MANY pics I can post
Celtic, I've raised up a few dozen birds now with no problems, but this last set of grey dewlaps will be the death of me. Glad I am done hatching!

Hey Bakin, hope all is well with you. And impressive mega multi quote! I don't know how you (and Quackers) do it!
Thanks guys for the compliments....I love my babies!
I've got several birds/ducklings/chicks I want to sell this wknd....oh yay, dealing with people...not fun.

Butters is doing well afterall. I think he was just stressed in the big brooder with the large group. Going to set these new guys up in their own smaller brooder and leave Butters with them for now. They welcomed him without issue.

Utah....I hope Spirit's foot continues to improve. My concern would be possible break down of that leg as she grows to adult size. I would imagine the vet has that in mind, though. I remember you mentioning prosthetic shoes?
And it's funny because Marcel was bigger than Simon was when I got them. I think she was a few days older, too. Now he is freaking HUGE. I loved the fact they all laid down in a lineup...made it easy to catch them all together, and show size differences. At some point, I will have to make the decision to let them join up with my Sebbie pair. I will have to do it while the Sebbies are still willing to baby them, as the youngsters will need their protection and guidance.
I think having them all get along will be the easiest for you in the future

I need to try my hand at molesting, er, vent sexing my ducklings
They are so tiny!
They are easy squeezy
at that age !
******* Bastards ******* Bastards .... hee heee that was fun
OKAY so it seems you can say it with an "s" at the end ! But not solo
Think BYC Mafia will figure this out now

Dutch, glad Butters is doing well with your other babies! And it's neat seeing the different sized dewlaps all getting along. Only a few more hours and we will know if Barley is a girl or boy. I'm looking forward to that, although I feel bad I'm subjecting Barley to a 1.5 hour round trip car ride, plus the stress of the visit just to find out its gender. :) The vet has prepared me for special needs issues when Spirit gets full sized. That is another reason why I want to take Spirit in today to make sure that things are going in the right direction for her.

Jaz, sounds good to me. I hope that when the time comes, I will have cayuga eggs from my pair to swap with you. My pair definitely look like a "couple" and are head bobbing. Squeak is also acting super territorial of his lady, Twist with the other cayuga drake (who should be going to his new home today/tomorrow).

Speaking of mating. Right now I have my 2 drakes (both 16 weeks) with their ladies, who range from 9-16 weeks. Do I need to worry about the underage girls being with them?
Well aren't you just the Poultry Poster Mom !!
I run mine together, as long as they are getting along & not getting in on you will be fine !
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Dutch, great pictures. Is that the grey you mentioned to me? Nice head and bill on that little bugger.
Iain, sorry about the new gosling drama. They are nibbles and chewers for sure. We sweep the yard and brooder house for loose strings, twine ect constantly to make sure the little darlins are eatting anything they shouldn't. Found one attempting to eat my broom, had to move it away. No towels, no stuffed animals, just parrot toys and their food/water. Less I have to watch out for that way.
92! 92 friggen degrees out today.
just emptied and refilled every pool. Mama goat and the baby are doing great. The little one likes to play and we put the, in the garden with the middle aged goslings. Let's of grass, shade, water and we can keep an eye on them. Had a blue laced red wyandotte go broody on us. She hatched three black copper marans and now some EE's are hatching. Did I mention 92 friggen degrees? It's ok though, won't be complaining when we are swimming at Christmas and New Years. Neither will our birds when they have pasture all year.
The one in my hand, yes. If the little bugger hadn't been screaming, it would have been a better pic. Bill is very wide, and when the guy isn't screaming, the head is really round. Of course, things can change as it grows.

Oh...and 92-94 here today, too. So very dry...grass is starting to burn up.
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