Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Hey lady! I need to call you with an egglet update!
It must be beginner's luck. Precious pic!
I gave him 8 eggs, one was infertile. Last I heard, #5 was working on hatching.
Soooooooooo how far back do I have to read to figure out where this thread is now?
Been off BYC some months....(workin' the land, caring for critters, and grandkids)...but my incubator is fired up (well, plugged in, got Silkie duck eggs,a few hookbills, and 3 goose eggs in. Just candled and all the white siiky/snowy silkie are infertile.... (well all my males are last years hatch fromHolderead) I swopped the drake for another white and see if he figures soemthing out. The duck is 2 years old so, see how long she lays. I have 3 shetland geese eggs and an African from Holdereads in there too as I want to see if they will hatch, the geese are all last years hatch so don't think anyone will set, we'll see. I had bad luck with power outages last year and only hatched a few Hookbills(these guys are tough), and 3 runners out of 60+ eggs, also think I had temp too low.... I set them the 16th ; some eggs had been in garage for up to 10 days, only washed the really dirty ones...last year washed everything and spritzed, but turned right away and didn't stop turning when I should that and 3 power outages and keeping my temp too low (still air- 99-100) ,....anyway I lost most of them right at end....arrrghhh. Hookbills had to be helped out a bit as membrane was tough, and they got too big for shell I think... all were 'crooked' and I put one down, but then the others seemed to straighten up in a week or so......I also think humidity may have been too high ....well anyway made lots of mistakes
and the power offs....... I intend to maybe add some this weekend to fill in the holes from the whites--- and may fire up the other incubator in April for the Runners, they were separated 10 days ago in breeding groups and jsut strted laying.
Hey stranger! Welcome back!
for lots of fuzzy, healthy babies!
No I haven't but I talked to you a couple times though Facebook asking about black runner ducklings & I ended up getting them closer to me. I actually am getting east indie & domestic teal eggs in a week & I have trout runners & snowy calls in my incubator right now. What a small world!
You're the one who referred me to Snoozin' Goose, then? I got on their waiting list late, so I may not get my trout eggs this year. Let me know if you hatch more than you can keep! My runner ducks are being nothing but trouble so far this season. Not one egg from their breeding pen.

Small world for sure! There needs to be more duck people in Washington. It's perfect for them after all!
I have a pip

Yay!! I've got one I can hear just a-pecking away. I cannot WAIT!! :D
Goose egg that was almost eaten by LGD: pipped!

I'm playing musical incubators. Tonight was a large lockdown. Some of them pipped early. Everyone cross your fingers that I actually get a cayuga this time around!
My first egg I've ever incubated and (am trying to) hatch, pipped on the middle of his egg. I read on here that somebody said to open a little hole. That's what I did. He's still moving and I can see his little egg tooth, but he hasn't made any sounds at all. And he's 3 days early. PLEASE HELP ME OUT! IF I LOSE THIS BABY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO
My first egg I've ever incubated and (am trying to) hatch, pipped on the middle of his egg. I read on here that somebody said to open a little hole. That's what I did. He's still moving and I can see his little egg tooth, but he hasn't made any sounds at all. And he's 3 days early. PLEASE HELP ME OUT! IF I LOSE THIS BABY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO
Middle of the egg is hard to assist because of the awkward position. Can you post a photo of the egg?

They take up to 48 hours from pip to hatch. At this point, he's just learning how to breathe and beginning to absorb the egg yolk. I would just watch and wait for now.

There's almost always someone here to offer advice. We can talk you through assisted hatch if necessary.
My first egg I've ever incubated and (am trying to) hatch, pipped on the middle of his egg. I read on here that somebody said to open a little hole. That's what I did. He's still moving and I can see his little egg tooth, but he hasn't made any sounds at all. And he's 3 days early. PLEASE HELP ME OUT! IF I LOSE THIS BABY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO

For now, just watch and wait. Is this egg in an incubator or under a mama duck? Is it in the air cell at all?
No he isn't in the air cell. I peeled back the shell on his front side to make it easier for him to position himself. I've been hydrating the membrane part. He's in an incubator.

I opened the air cell about two hours ago to make sure it hadn't been broken. He's being constantly monitored as this is my first baby. I have only left the room to use the bathroom. Should I just let him sit?
Also! He hasn't peeped at all yet!?
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