Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

I also discovered my "gander" sitting on three eggs this morning. Our Chinese goose stopped laying and kept gathering rocks and trying to hatch them and now this. Guess those eggs won't be fertile. Hopefully I selected a gander to add to the flock this season because I obviously need to work on my vent sexing skills.

No pee-pees here!
I'm so lost on doing that with my ducks

I also discovered my "gander" sitting on three eggs this morning. Our Chinese goose stopped laying and kept gathering rocks and trying to hatch them and now this. Guess those eggs won't be fertile. Hopefully I selected a gander to add to the flock this season because I obviously need to work on my vent sexing skills.

No pee-pees here! :th
Hey GQ ! So I see you have been hatching all kinds of stuff! 90+ posts ...... Sorry could not reply to all. Cute pics of babies everyone!

I have 35 ducklings in LD ~ Some are Pekin Rouen Cross & more with a blue X on them...
(um forgot to mark what kind they are....
) I guess they will be surprise duck eggs!

Did a bunch of pics of my new Goslings on their 1st day outside


I put 38 eggs in the bator & they just started hatching last night. I took these 6 out this afternoon as things were getting pretty crowded and they were the rowdiest. Looks like I'll have at least 8 more to keep these company in the morning. Baby chickens are cute, but ducklings are at the top of the cute meter.
they are gorgeous!!!! what breed are they?

Here is a pic of where I helped the dried out one a bit. I tried to do more of a "zip" pattern, in hopes that once he is feeling strong enough he can maybe just pop the top of the shell off like he would have naturally. Looks like he's still absorbing from those veins too, but I didn't do anything that brought blood. My "artificial zip" doesn't go any further than where the towel blocks your view.

You can see that the membrane on the other is still white where this one is yellow and very rubbery. It is more yellow than shows in this pic, and the part that was covering where you can now see his face was even darker yellow. So I didn't do anything to help the other, I'll just watch and see what happens.

And on a lighter note, here a shot from the little box of cuteness next to the bator. I'm calling this shot, "STRANGER DANGER!!!"

aw dont feel bad it happens to the bes tof us at some point. Thanks for posting that top pic. I feel abit better now about helping mine out. All of the membranes on mine looked like that so i made a hole like you did to help them out abit. The humidity was up at nearly 90 by then too so i dont get how they dried out. Unless it's purely the heat from the babies moving around. They are so cute by the way.
I have a question for the call duck experts. Can you help me to determine what colors my babies will be, I purchased them from a lady who saved me various colors to hatch but didnt seperate out which was which so I'm a bit at a loss. Also is there a way to sex a call duck baby besides the obvious vent sexing, I havent done that before and worry about hurting them if I do it. Thank you in advance for all your help.


I have this problem too with mine! From what i know yellow = white, so the yellow and black will be white and black, I have some mallard-y looking ones - they are the ones im not sure of. I'll put a pic up later. Sorry i cant be of more help!
Don't be sorry I think they are all so cute it doesn't really matter, but thank you.

I have this problem too with mine! From what i know yellow = white, so the yellow and black will be white and black, I have some mallard-y looking ones - they are the ones im not sure of. I'll put a pic up later. Sorry i cant be of more help!
Hi Guys,

was on this site about 12 months ago waiting for 6 duck eggs to hatch, got totally destroyed as they all failed, one little guy got as far as half his beak out the shell but I didn't know what to do!! SOOO now I bought a new brinsea starter incubator, only put 2 duck eggs (that were guaranteed fertile) one failed at about 14 days, BUT I have one little fella rocking and rolling inside his shell!! due date is Monday, sooo I have these questions: (if my little guy makes it out)???
1) when do I interfere and help him out the shell?
2) Will he need a friend as he's the only hatchling?
3) I have a brooder all set up and ready, but when will he be able to be introduced to my other ducks?
4) my ducks ( Khaki campbell (lush) and Muscovys (hilarious) all have drakes running with them, how do I encourage them to incubate their own eggs??

thank you for all who answer all the above!! xx
down to 11 from 15, had two clear, two blood rings and a black blob with no blood vessels at all....but those 11 had squirmy, wiggly baby ducks!
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