Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Hey GQ ! So I see you have been hatching all kinds of stuff! 90+ posts ...... Sorry could not reply to all. Cute pics of babies everyone!

I have 35 ducklings in LD ~ Some are Pekin Rouen Cross & more with a blue X on them...
(um forgot to mark what kind they are....
) I guess they will be surprise duck eggs!

Did a bunch of pics of my new Goslings on their 1st day outside

What a sweet army of goslings! If we time things right, maybe I can actually come and see your critters this time! Are your emus as big as a house yet?
this is my motley crew out with me the other day. 2 weeks old tomorrow!
Sweet babies!

Hi Guys,

was on this site about 12 months ago waiting for 6 duck eggs to hatch, got totally destroyed as they all failed, one little guy got as far as half his beak out the shell but I didn't know what to do!! SOOO now I bought a new brinsea starter incubator, only put 2 duck eggs (that were guaranteed fertile) one failed at about 14 days, BUT I have one little fella rocking and rolling inside his shell!! due date is Monday, sooo I have these questions: (if my little guy makes it out)???
1) when do I interfere and help him out the shell?
2) Will he need a friend as he's the only hatchling?
3) I have a brooder all set up and ready, but when will he be able to be introduced to my other ducks?
4) my ducks ( Khaki campbell (lush) and Muscovys (hilarious) all have drakes running with them, how do I encourage them to incubate their own eggs??

thank you for all who answer all the above!! xx
1) I never interfere anymore unless it's pipped on the wrong end.
2) They do much better with another duckling. If you can't find one right away, give baby a mirror to look in and fix a feather duster to one corner of the brooder. Kiddo will think it's mom.
3) depending on outside weather, I integrate any time between 4-6 weeks. Watch them closely at first, some ducks are more territorial than others.
4) Muscovies are pretty darn broody on their own. Have never had a Khaki sit for me.
Thank you for that, still have movement and chirping in my solitary egg, but no sign of hatching yet???? If he's chirping does that mean he must have internally pipped??

I wasn't this obsessive when my grandchildren were being born!!
down to 11 from 15, had two clear, two blood rings and a black blob with no blood vessels at all....but those 11 had squirmy, wiggly baby ducks!

Glad you still have 11 good ones! What day are you on now?

Had 1 of 4 come out this morning. Im not sure if its Pekin or something else as the person I bought from has a mixed flock. Will post piccies soon
whoop whoop, congratulations!
Haha Yeh I took on the task lightly. Then a few days in I realised how much can go wrong! I was on the edge of a heart attack when they were hatching! Glad it's over! Now I just have a tonne of poop to deal with! It's starting to get stinky now blergh!
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Haha Yeh I took on the task lightly. Then a few days in I realised how much can go wrong! I was on the edge of a heart attack when they were hatching! Glad it's over! Now I just have a tonne of poop to deal with! It's starting to get stinky now blergh!
lol i know! i bought 4 cayugas and made a brooder in the spare room out of a plastic tub.... whew!! overnight it was awful!!!!... chloe stayed in the house tho most of the time and as long as i kept her diaper changed she was good, but one little call duck against 4 big cayugas..... no match!!
i have made it to day 10.... and omgosh, im a nervous nanny..... this is my first attempt at call ducks... i did hatch  cockatiels on a heating pad once and raised them up... so i thought... how hard can ducks be? what ever was i thinking!!!

Call Ducks aren't that difficult. I hatched 9 out of 12 on my first time hatching ever. I did have to help them with their air holes when they pipped as they were having a heck of a time to get through the shell. If I can do it so can you. I've done the cockatiel eggs and the calls were much easier.
I've been reading tons on this thread and am so excited for this week. I set my duck eggs on April 12. Tomorrow I finally go on lockdown. A few friends of mine are also starting lockdowns tomorrow (we are four teachers hatching amazing little ducklings)! Hatch date is Thursday the 9th! I am so excited but incredibly nervous. To top it off, I went for my Sunday weekly check-in at school (thank goodness the custodians are so nice) and while my 6 eggs had movement, my friend's incubator down the hall was OFF! I nearly had a heart attack because I knew it had something to do with the electricians in the school hallway this morning so I asked them if ALL the power was off on this side. They said yes and so I carefully relocated her eggs to my classroom but by that point, the eggs were cold. I am so sad. Are they definitely gone? Something also smells in her incubator but I couldn't figure out which egg it was.

I am also nervous about setting up the brooder. I know I need to pick up pine shavings but I read a few places that the ducklings may mistakenly eat the pine shavings?! I don't want that to happen either! Are there different sizes of pine shavings?

Finally, I have the brooder clamp light but I don't know what kind of bulb to buy. Does it have to be blue-tint? I was told a regular 75 watt light bulb is good.

I'm worried I'll be a complete mess and have already decided to stay after school late just about everyday until they hatch. I want to make sure humidity doesn't drop and the ducks get shrink wrapped. This is my first hatch but I have been religiously on this website trying to learn everything and anything everyone here has to offer... please help! :(

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