Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Utah, love the pics! I'll see what I can do about getting new pics of my gang. They grow so fast!

Nice pics, QJ!

I've already had 2 heat related chicken deaths. We have had triple digit temps for about 2 weeks now. No rain, grass pretty much dead. Not going to be a good summer again this summer.
An outhouse with a toilet bowl in it....very progressive, lol. Just kidding...looks awesome!
You mean they sold us a crapper

SO... for those of you who have been asking for new pics of Barley... I got a few shots this afternoon.

Here she is, looking pretty chunky already.

I love your babies! I took some new pics a coiuple days ago of my flock, I have 14 geese now!

Triplell, thanks! Glad you restored peace to your flock. I know I couldn't tolerate a mean bird.

What'd I miss? Pics uploading now.
sound of crickets...... "silent treatment"
Beaker on her nest. 15 eggs.


Fergie and Ferdinand.

I almost can't tell them apart now, except personality. Ferdinand is standoffish and he also has a grey dot under his eye. Fergie thinks I'm her mom so she's always running up to me.

Basett, my fearless LGD from DG.
Purdy Birds! Where is pics of your Cream Legs.....
I can't believe how big your Lap Guard Dog is! Bassett ~ HUGE fan of the name! GO Beaker!

I've already had 2 heat related chicken deaths. We have had triple digit temps for about 2 weeks now. No rain, grass pretty much dead. Not going to be a good summer again this summer.
I am wondering if we will ever have a summer...... But give me 60-70 degree days all year along & I won't complain. I can't do HOT & I don't due COLD. So I put up with RAIN & live in the most perfect place for me!
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Thanks, jaz! Where are the new pics of your geese? I want to see them!

Dutch, very sorry about your birds and the heat. We are watching skies and news closely here for wildfire, but at least we are only in high 80s/low 90s.

Thanks, jaz! Where are the new pics of your geese? I want to see them!
Dutch, very sorry about your birds and the heat. We are watching skies and news closely here for wildfire, but at least we are only in high 80s/low 90s.
I posted them on A Rivers Edge fb page but here are a few!

U asked for it ! Hard to update when I do all of them at once, and I have 14 geese ! Goslings! When is a gosling a goose????
You mean they sold us a crapper

I love your babies! I took some new pics a coiuple days ago of my flock, I have 14 geese now!


sound of crickets...... "silent treatment"
Purdy Birds! Where is pics of your Cream Legs.....
I can't believe how big your Lap Guard Dog is! Bassett ~ HUGE fan of the name! GO Beaker!

I am wondering if we will ever have a summer...... But give me 60-70 degree days all year along & I won't complain. I can't do HOT & I don't due COLD. So I put up with RAIN & live in the most perfect place for me!

I posted them on A Rivers Edge fb page but here are a few!

U asked for it ! Hard to update when I do all of them at once, and I have 14 geese ! Goslings! When is a gosling a goose????
Pretty geese. I love the gray one.
I'm thinking 3's my limit for my geese. So I'll keep my 2 girls for now and then in a few years when the kids are bigger maybe they'll get a boyfriend.
Marty PURDY babies!

Tripell hope things start to dry up!

We used our smokhouse yesterday & it works awesome & sure smells yummy

SO... for those of you who have been asking for new pics of Barley... I got a few shots this afternoon.

Here she is, looking pretty chunky already.

Here are a couple of group shots:

Finally, here is a shot of Chicory, my "Erin toulouse". I love her colors and quiet, sweet nature.

Well and update on the flock with out the Crazy Rooster, the rest of the chickens have all calmed way down!!!!! The ducklings that the roo was picking on 2 have minor injury's and will heal just fine. I now know that I truly did the right thing in putting him in chicken heaven!! We were very luck last night with all the rain that we didn't flood again. We got jsut over 2 inches, not as much as some of the state.
My duck pens were alittle sloppy but not too bad.
Yes, you did the right thing, I would have done the same.
Beaker on her nest. 15 eggs.

One of my Saxony Drakes.


Fergie and Ferdinand.

I almost can't tell them apart now, except personality. Ferdinand is standoffish and he also has a grey dot under his eye. Fergie thinks I'm her mom so she's always running up to me.

Basett, my fearless LGD from DG.


Utah, love the pics! I'll see what I can do about getting new pics of my gang. They grow so fast!

Nice pics, QJ!

I've already had 2 heat related chicken deaths. We have had triple digit temps for about 2 weeks now. No rain, grass pretty much dead. Not going to be a good summer again this summer.
I feel for everyone else out there. Enjoying the mild 75 degree weather today.

I posted them on A Rivers Edge fb page but here are a few!

U asked for it ! Hard to update when I do all of them at once, and I have 14 geese ! Goslings! When is a gosling a goose????

Thanx Peeps!

A couple of my fun wing pics

(NO Photo Editing
Sold a few hatching eggs earlier
. If only I could sell my adults
I sold my poor quality swedes yesterday to a neighbor. I'm sure they are having fun at her place. Really wanted to keep them, but the two of them are trouble! I wish I could get rid of my extra pekin drakes though. They're eating age, but I hate butchering ducks, so not going to go that route. Too much freakin work.

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