Three Easter Egger/Ameraucana Pullets - 23wks and 9.5wks


12 Years
Mar 10, 2011
Northeast Pennsylvania
My landlady recently passed away and our housing situation is sketchy. I have 86 chickens and I feel I need to reduce my numbers some. My husband is against this and is having a fit that I was talking about selling our girls. The girls that I am posting for sale are all against his will, but he has to come to terms with the fact that we can't keep them all when we don't know where we are moving to or when we will be having to move.

I have two 23wk old Easter Eggers I would like to sell. Neither have muffs or beards. I got them from TSC (Mt. Healthy). They are doing the egg squat, so they are getting close to laying. The third is 9.5wks old and I was told was an Ameracuana/Orpington cross. Her legs are dark and she has a rose comb.

They three are all housed together and all free range together. I am going to regret selling all three of these girls, but someone has to go. The light colored EE is a very good forager and he personality is starting to show - she's one that usually runs to me when I come out of the house. The blue based one is starting to get friendly and follows me. The little blue girl is skittish, but at one time she used to be my daughter's shadow. That changed when we moved them in to the big hen shed, though.



(The above pullet has a blue base)

Payment to be sent via Paypal - [email protected]
Pick Up only - my zip code is 17814.
I may be willing to meet you for an additional fee.

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