Throat area is jerking forwards and backwards...what is this?

Sand would likely be safer, but it all depends on your chooks. Some chooks, not too small a percentage either, have pica/pika and will consume all manner of non-edibles; one of the easiest things to instil in an animal for life, pica, all it takes is even a short period of severe deficiency and they can remain compulsive consumers of anything and everything for life.

I haven't read any really decent research yet into why some get pica and others don't, but it happens to humans too, and can happen with no visible symptoms of a deficiency having occurred. There are many potential causes of it.

It's bad if they eat enough of the tiniest pieces, no matter how tiny, because chickens are not equipped to consume wood. Too fibrous weed matter is bad enough, i.e. grass that's too dry, never mind wood. It builds up within them, and once there's sufficient pulp to strain their stomachs and immobilize the rocks, grits etc they use as teeth, they're in trouble.

This incident may have taught them a lesson, but nothing can teach animals with pica a lesson; might be worth looking into replacing the shavings if you repeatedly see them eating it. Sand is quite possibly one of your best alternatives.

Best wishes.

Thank you so much for all your help and advice, I will look into my options!

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