
Mar 31, 2024
South Africa
Does anybody have tips on how to hatch eggs or just useful information that I might need? If you do, please say, as I'm new to raising chickens.

I also have pets I need to teach to not try to eat the chicks/eggs.

1. An older, gentle black cat.
2. An excitable rottweiler.
3. A loving long-haired dachshund.
Welcome to BYC from Michigan!!

The best advice for broad questions is to check out the learning center. It can be accessed by clicking on the icon that looks like a paper with one corner folded down or go to menu bar from the home screen.

From the threads page you can also check out ‘sticky topics’ at the start of every topic heading. for ex Click on “Emergency” heading. At the top look for sticky topics- those are very important resources and quick links to articles when you need fast info. Bookmark what’s valuable to you- access bookmarks by going into your profile and click bookmarks.

As for pets- Even the most trustworthy pet is not trustworthy around chicks. Don’t get fooled into thinking your pets are the exception. Everyone and every animal loves a free chicken dinner
Best of luck!
Welcome to BYC from Michigan!!

The best advice for broad questions is to check out the learning center. It can be accessed by clicking on the icon that looks like a paper with one corner folded down or go to menu bar from the home screen.

From the threads page you can also check out ‘sticky topics’ at the start of every topic heading. for ex Click on “Emergency” heading. At the top look for sticky topics- those are very important resources and quick links to articles when you need fast info. Bookmark what’s valuable to you- access bookmarks by going into your profile and click bookmarks.

As for pets- Even the most trustworthy pet is not trustworthy around chicks. Don’t get fooled into thinking your pets are the exception. Everyone and every animal loves a free chicken dinner
Best of luck!
We will have something separating the chicks from the pets, but I'm really hoping they can one day get along. Thanks for all the tips!
We will have something separating the chicks from the pets, but I'm really hoping they can one day get along. Thanks for all the tips!
I have two bully-mix dogs with strong a predator drive, chasing rabbit, chippies- one dog chased a moose! I was really afraid for my chickens but they were curious until the moose chaser got pecked hard on the snout by a bossy female named Karen (seriously). It’s been 2 years and the dogs are afraid of chickens, and chickens are indifferent to the dogs.
ETA I still watch the dogs tho just in case
I would be careful but definitely introduce them slowly and close to you, so they know they belong to you. Some animals can be unpredictable though, so be careful.

It also helps if you have a rooster, I knew a neighbors dog who would easily chase and chew up hens, but as soon as there was a rooster defending the pack the behavior stopped. Lol, a strong rooster is not to be messed with.
Does anybody have tips on how to hatch eggs or just useful information that I might need? If you do, please say, as I'm new to raising chickens.

I also have pets I need to teach to not try to eat the chicks/eggs.

1. An older, gentle black cat.
2. An excitable rottweiler.
3. A loving long-haired dachshund.
I have a cat who is extremely mellow with all the chickens. I feel like in a way she sort of raised them, as they always snuggled with her.

Now, although i trust her immensely with my birds, she still has hunting instincts. I think it’s important even the most trustworthy ones, you make sure something bad couldn’t happen. For example, i don’t like to let her near the chicks, just to be safe. Even though she shows no want to hunt them.
I have a cat who is extremely mellow with all the chickens. I feel like in a way she sort of raised them, as they always snuggled with her.

Now, although i trust her immensely with my birds, she still has hunting instincts. I think it’s important even the most trustworthy ones, you make sure something bad couldn’t happen. For example, i don’t like to let her near the chicks, just to be safe. Even though she shows no want to hunt them.
From my experience, cats never do anything to adult chickens and are relatively calm next to them. I guess they're just too big. But they will absolutely chase down chicks, predator drive and all that.
From my experience, cats never do anything to adult chickens and are relatively calm next to them. I guess they're just too big. But they will absolutely chase down chicks, predator drive and all that.
I agree. The wild cats here are quite chill aswell.

My cat had a few baby chicks under her fluff when mom walked away. She kept them warm. Probably not on purpose, but she just sat there with them. Some cats are different, my other one tries riding the chickens like a surf board so they obviously don’t like her much.

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