Tips for keeping a flock happy during a long cold winter?

How old are your girls? If they are big and they are cold-tolerant breeds, to free-range most chickens don't like snow but you can put hay or wood chips on top to let them exercise. If your girls are still young or they're not cold-tolerant, put a heater in your coop
I'm going into my first winter in the yukon, and have done some digging on this subject. You can try hanging a cabbage from a string, a swing, zylophones, and even baby toys. I have a few that attach to the wall and have colourful balls and mirrors that spin. Rearranging any furniture in their space leads them to think it's brand new and it will renew their interest! Hope this helps.
How old are your girls? If they are big and they are cold-tolerant breeds, to free-range most chickens don't like snow but you can put hay or wood chips on top to let them exercise. If your girls are still young or they're not cold-tolerant, put a heater in your coop
They are a diverse bunch made of finnish chickens, hyline browns, araucanas, marans mixes, bantam pekins and faverolles. They enjoy free ranging very much but i am worried about their feet freezing. Putting wood chips or hay on top of the snow would be an interesting idea!
I'm going into my first winter in the yukon, and have done some digging on this subject. You can try hanging a cabbage from a string, a swing, zylophones, and even baby toys. I have a few that attach to the wall and have colourful balls and mirrors that spin. Rearranging any furniture in their space leads them to think it's brand new and it will renew their interest! Hope this helps.
Baby toys would be a good idea since they are a pecky bunch and rearrenging the coop would be a good idea too! Thanks a lot
What are some activities to keep my chickens happy for a long winter? :)
Keep them well fed(good chicken ration always available).
Well watered, might need a heated waterer.
Give them lots of sheltered space, inside the coop especially and out in the run.

Knowing more about your flock (numbers, genders, ages),
and your coop and run(dimensions and pics) would help immensely.

Oh, and.... Welcome to BYC! @BeginnerChickener
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Plenty of elbow room and places where they can scratch, dust bathe, perch, and engage in their normal, instinctive behaviors despite the weather.

Cold doesn't bother chickens near so much as heat does as long as they can stay dry and get out of the wind.

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