to all premenopausal women!!! and their better halves

I went on natural progesterone lozenges, they're expensive, but they work. Doc says they prevent ovulation, but aren't labeled for use as bc. I take 50mg 2x a day and take a few days off when I get my period. Although, I can really tell the change in mood if I go off them but I figure my body needs the break. I'm so glad I found a doc to give me the lozenges. Before that I had experimented with the cream, and it seems like it takes huge amounts of it to make a difference.
Good Answer
Well Ken, you might have more women in that coop who would literally complain about you sitting in the coop, taking up real estate LOL!
For all you young women out there....have your kids early or very late. I had my kids sort of late, mid-thirties. This gives our family the wonderful experience of having puberty and menopause going on at the same time. Nobody warned me!!!!!
This constitutes poor planning on someone's part, or the proof that the universe has a sense of humor. It is a good thing that someone has a sense of humor, because I have trouble finding mine, these days.
I'm not there yet. Yet... but I will lurk on this thread. In the meantime, and probably during "that" time when I get there, chickens can be the perfect solution. They just don't care if you're having a not so good day, hour, or moment. So hang with the chickens I say.
I've been doing this whole perimenopause/premenopause/menopause crap for over 12 years now and it sucks. I once asked my grandmother how long I had to wait until it was over and she said "you mean it's supposed to END"?
I'm doing it natural because menopause is a natural state not a disease that needs to be treated but man, somedays I'm glad I've got a valium or two.
Oh, and don't listen to anything Dunkopf has to say on the subject. I've only ever been my sweet, helpful and sexy self with him.

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