
In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2018
Newbie chicken girl here.

I have 15 chicks that will be moving to their outdoor home in 4 weeks or so. I currently have converted a side of the barn into the coop. My original plan was to build an attached run with a corrugated metal roof. Now, when I break down the cost, it seems that I could give them a much bigger run without a roof.

We live in an open field, VERY flat, no wooded areas close (Ohio). But we do have skunks, possums, coons, ground hogs and mostly, hawks.

Could I build the run without the roof and train the girls to go in the barn at night and lock their door?

Or is that still too risky? I’ve seen so many different style runs but I would love to give them more square footage and not worry about a roof.
I like a roof on at least part of the run so it stays dry.
It needs to be supported for snow load.
If they are in a locked building at night, that protects from many nocturnal predators but hawks can be a problem during the day.
Since you have no trees, a roof or other shade is a must. Chickens suffer from excessive heat and require shade.
Newbie chicken girl here.

I have 15 chicks that will be moving to their outdoor home in 4 weeks or so. I currently have converted a side of the barn into the coop. My original plan was to build an attached run with a corrugated metal roof. Now, when I break down the cost, it seems that I could give them a much bigger run without a roof.

We live in an open field, VERY flat, no wooded areas close (Ohio). But we do have skunks, possums, coons, ground hogs and mostly, hawks.

Could I build the run without the roof and train the girls to go in the barn at night and lock their door?

Or is that still too risky? I’ve seen so many different style runs but I would love to give them more square footage and not worry about a roof.
Do yourself a favor; roof it.
Half of my run is eight feet tall. It is covered with sheet metal. The other half is four feet tall. I built a retractable roof, basically a screened in wall for the top, that I also cover with a tarp and secure with six carabiners. I would imagine the run would be a muddy disaster if I didn't cover it the majority of the time. Also, I ran hardware cloth under the sheet metal on my roof just for additional predator protection. I would be wary of leaving your birds without protection from birds of prey.
I am in Ohio too (though near lots of trees, none on my property, but the neighbors own a maple farm). During the day stray dogs and raptors (hawks and eagles) are the main predator. I have never had a problem with a raptor even free ranging. If you have only large fowl then the hawks can't really get them. Dogs otoh can easily kill or injure a bird in seconds.

You can make an open roof and then put twine or something zig zagging across the top and put flags or marking tape on it to make it visible. Then add a tarp across part for sun/rain/snow cover, this won't help for heavy snow but it will help for most winters depending on where exactly you are. (I am on the border of zone 5 and 6.) It's cheap but you will need to replace it yearly or so. Then you can save up some money and add a cheap metal roof later when you can. Each panel is about $12 for a 20"X8' section. ( You can also plant a fast growing tree or shrub on the south or southwest side to provide more free shade. Something like maple, lilac, nanny berry, or viburnum. Might be able to get a pack cheap from the county right now. Usually 5 for $15 or so.
Could I build the run without the roof and train the girls to go in the barn at night and lock their door?
Your'e going to need to do that anyway.
What is your general location?
At least have a mesh roof...keeps the chicken in and the the hawks out.
I cover this with shade cloth in the summer and knock the snow off in the winter.
Your'e going to need to do that anyway.
What is your general location?
At least have a mesh roof...keeps the chicken in and the the hawks out.
I cover this with shade cloth in the summer and knock the snow off in the winter.

Neat! Is that roof frame like off of a carport? Sorry if that’s a dumb question. Also, is that a real hawk??
Is that roof frame like off of a carport?
Sorry if that’s a dumb question.
Also, is that a real hawk??
Nope, rafters I bent up out of 3/4" EMT conduit, details on My Coop page.
There are no dumb questions.
Yes, that is a real hawk.....justifying my 'overbuild' the first day the chickens were in the run.

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