Toddlers are Quackers





We are making chocolate chip cookies. She was willing to eat the batter this time. Unfortunately, this lead to eating the chips out of the batter instead of mixing them in. I took over that. :lol:
I decided the best way to get the dough on the pan was with her hands. She kept sucking the dough from her fingers! :lau We apparently aren't sharing the cookies outside the family. She doesn't like dirty hands.
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We are making chocolate chip cookies. She was willing to eat the batter this time. Unfortunately, this lead to eating the chips out of the batter instead of mixing them in. I took over that.

I decided the best way to get the dough on the pan was with her hands. She kept sucking the dough from her fingers!
We apparently aren't sharing the cookies outside the family. She doesn't like dirty hands.

i would still eat them!!
We are still inside, and it wasn't from the dog dish.
strange lol

Maybe Chaos missed your leg and she found the puddle ?

Sorry I'll work on my aim a little better.
you really should

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