Toddlers are Quackers

I was awake at three again. Around 4:30 I threw the dog in the tub. I was awake until seven. That 45 minutes of sleep is better than nothing, but I am going to need two pots of coffee again.


Sometime this morning; not sure when. I'm up, so he should be here.

You ever use pelleted feed? Southern States' version of all-flock is pelleted, which I didn't notice 'til I opened a bag. wondering how old chicks have to be, on average, before they can eat it w/o choking on it 'cause it's too large. Currently putting it through the blender; rapidly becoming a pain in the backside.
my 12 week olds ate the pelleted feed they stole from the big girls but I made sure to give them grit, they survived
Mine are a few days short of a month yet...back to grinding for a while, I guess.
Now that I think about it they hatched in April so are roughly 3months a couple weeks ago and have been eating it for prob closer to 4 weeks :oops: there is still chick food out but it wants the layer pellet and I just don't care
why are you waking up so early? full moon?

is sour dancing in your yard again?
The dog has terrible allergies. His scratching wakes me when it is bad. Benadryl is not helping this year, and the new vet is a little girl that doesn't care what the other vet gave Sturgis every year. She won't give a prescription. No, I can't choose another vet. I aint in the city.

Sometime this morning; not sure when. I'm up, so he should be here.

You ever use pelleted feed? Southern States' version of all-flock is pelleted, which I didn't notice 'til I opened a bag. wondering how old chicks have to be, on average, before they can eat it w/o choking on it 'cause it's too large. Currently putting it through the blender; rapidly becoming a pain in the backside.
Wet it down in a water bowl. They can take the pellets around six weeks for sure. Mine never complained, and I forgot to worry about it.


I've only ever used crumbles. Have thought about going with pellets before but can't find Flock-raiser/All Flock anywhere local in pellet form.
Rural King has it. I think there was an actual feed store that carried it too. RK protein is 18% though. Not 20.


my 12 week olds ate the pelleted feed they stole from the big girls but I made sure to give them grit, they survived
Liz, I often wonder who taught you to keep chickens. Grit won't hurt, but it didn't help in that situation.
The dog has terrible allergies. His scratching wakes me when it is bad. Benadryl is not helping this year, and the new vet is a little girl that doesn't care what the other vet gave Sturgis every year. She won't give a prescription. No, I can't choose another vet. I aint in the city.

Wet it down in a water bowl. They can take the pellets around six weeks for sure. Mine never complained, and I forgot to worry about it.

Rural King has it. I think there was an actual feed store that carried it too. RK protein is 18% though. Not 20.

Liz, I often wonder who taught you to keep chickens. Grit won't hurt, but it didn't help in that situation.
We've got a mom/pop shop, TSC and Agway.
MC, have you ever tried or are you feeding a 'grain free' diet?

I do have to give him a special diet, but this is an outdoor allergy. Only here too. We had 2 houses until a few years ago. He was fine at the other house, but miserable here. We sold the other house, so he has to be here now. He was fine going cross country too. Fine all winter and most of the fall and spring.
We even did allergy testing (for a stupid dog!). The exact plant is unknown. I "could" walk him on a leash, but I am not sure how he would take that. Even in the truck, I didn't leash him.

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