Toddlers are Quackers

princess had a super cute outfit sewn for her by grandma from an old pattern, something straight out of the 40s!
It's a style that hold up well for youngsters, though, she looks so cute!
In ‘16 I adopted Molly the hermit crab. I had her previous owner pick up two more for company. Polly and Olly. Olly died during a molt.
Three crabs arrive tomorrow. I asked Duckling for new names.
Holly, Jolly and Dolly
Crabby, Grabby and Abby
Me, her and her stuffed rabbit
Chair, wall, rug
Other funny trios
Hat, Glove and Scarf.

She chose our names, but then switched it to Hat, Glove and Scarf. She’s determined now. :lol:

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