toilet paper

I'm with you Sunny. I resisted for hours, but finally had to click on it. I'm so sorry. (Note to self: never leave hometown.)
I dunno, different cultures, different things. The poverty level in India is not what we're use to around here. I would imagine toilet paper is not something on their list of must haves. India has very limited paper products... so there's a reason for washing instead of wiping.
I did not resist. I thought it was going to be something innocent like "Do you prefer the roll hung to dispense over ot under?" or "Which brand do you buy?" etc...


On a serious note, don't they use Bidets over there?
I Mexico you have to pay like 50 cents to use the restroom and the "crapper cops" give you 2 squares of TP at the door....2 squares...for 50 cents... youd think at those prices they could install larger pipes...
I guess the fingernails come in handy if scraping is necessary.

BTW a lot of cultures in the middle east use the left hand for wiping. That's why lefthandedness is considered unclean. If a child is lefthanded, they are still taught to use their right hand for everything.
I am glad I am not the only one that is completely shocked by this practice. It just goes to show that something that seems stupid and disgusting to you can be the norm for a whole country of people.

Makes me wonder if ther are any american practices that make other people shake their heads in disgust/wonder.

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